A ques. about Nelson "The Good Fight"

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I have a question about Nelson from "The Good Fight". Wouldn't he be arrested for leaving his daughter like that when he needed her? That is a form of child abuse in my opinion. Yes he'll be arrested for kidnapping but if he hadn't had kidnapped her wouldn't he still be arrested for leaving her to fight for her life when he was the one who could have saved her? I didn't notice any cops with him when he went back to the hospital with Carter and Lucy, so I was just wondering about that.

-- Cammie (rmaelhorn@home.com), August 07, 2000


Carter and Lucy probably didn't narc on him right off because they wanted him to come back and give blood to his daughter. As far as your other question, I'm not sure that leaving her would result in his arrest - it would probably be neglect, not abuse. Under ordinary custody circumstances, Child and Youth Services might remove the child from Nelson's home and put her in foster care due to his neglect.

-- Beth (bsmith@internet-95.com), August 07, 2000.

Oh there were police. Remember Carter told them to give him a minute and wait outside. I saw the car pull in behind him and Lucy. By the way I think this episode is soooooo sweet in a means of Carter and Lucy's friendship. This was the first time they were actually nice to each other. My face cringed for Carter though and his arm!

-- Stephanie (ERGirl22@aol.com), August 08, 2000.

Stephanie- They must have skipped that part last night on TNT because I didn't see it. I agree with you about this episode. I loved it.

-- Cammie (rmaelhorn@home.com), August 08, 2000.

i didn't see that part either. are u thinking of when carter told the cab driver to wait for them when they went in his trailer?

-- Ryan Mulligan (pxpres@idt.net), August 08, 2000.

Yeah sorry. I watched it again and it was a cab car. Oh well, still was a wonderful epi.

-- Stephanie (ERGirl22@aol.com), August 11, 2000.

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