How do U Convert to Single Frame Mpeg1? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does anyone know how to convert an image into a mpeg1 single frame still? I want to create a VideoCD of only stills. I know I could make a video mpeg1 of stills with transitions, wipes, fades etc but this is not what I need to do. I want to be able to put as many stills as I can fit on a CDR that would be playable in my sony dvd700 player. I hear WinOnCd can do this but is not available in the USA. I have tons of graphic software but none of them convert into single frame mpeg1. I've been sucessful at making a VideoCD from AVIs and converted to MPEG1 but again this is video and not stills. Please help and thank you all in advance for your time and insight. Regards WJD

-- Walter J. Deobil (, August 07, 2000


Latest version of Nero CD burning software will create a VideoCD of high resolution (704 x 576) stills on a CDR which plays on my Philips DVD layer. Input files are Jpegs of scanned photos. DVD player remote advances slides. Hope next version of Nero includes menu structure. Web site is

-- Garth (, August 07, 2000.

You probably have the answer for your question by now. (The question post date August 2000). But just in case you don't, here is what I found out. Adaptec 5.0 has a feature called Videoimpression - this allows you to take still image photos (Jpeg,Tiff,etc.) and convert them into MPEG1 and burn a VCD with OR without transitions. You can also set the amount of time you want to view each still image. The image quality is decent. Also, if you want your Sony DVD player to read a VCD - I would recommend burning your VCD onto a CDRW. The newer sony's probably can read CDR's. For more info. on making a VCD you can get more input from the following website: Goodluck.

-- Kumar K. (, May 03, 2001.

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