Panasonic SLVP30 VCD Player + 5 Free vcd movies. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Those looking for portable Video cd players, here are some good deals. Send an email to "".

Panasonic SLVP30 - US$110.00 + SH + 5 free vcd movies of your choice.

Panasonic SLVP35 - US$130.00 + SH + 5 free vcd movies of your choice.

Panasonic SLVP70 - US$299.00 + SH + 5 free vcd movies of your choice. | This player comes with a screen.

Aiwa XM-80 = US$280.00 + SH + 5 free vcd movies of your choice. | This player comes with a screen.

Shinco 951T (VCD/MP3 Player) = US$310.00 + SH + 5 free vcd movies of your choice. This player support MP3 music cds. It comes with a screen.

Additional info : ================= All players come with remote control, batteries, manuals in English, ac adaptor that supports 110vac to 220/240vac power. AV cables provided. SCART connector/converter also provided free. There is NO need for any step-down or step-up voltage converters.

All players come with international warranty by their respective manufacturers.

Quantity and bulk discounts available.

For more info, please email "".

Other VCD/DVD/MP3 Players are available. If you are looking for a particular brand or model, please send an email.

Yours Sincerely Game Technology Pte Ltd

-- Game Technology Worldwide (, August 06, 2000




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