Re-usable canning lids : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I responded to an ad in the July/August issue of Countryside, offering re-usable canning lids. The company makes a plastic re-usable canning lid with a rubber ring, and they sent me a free sample. I tried it, and it worked great. However, the pessimist in me wanted to see if they really are re-usable, so we opened the jar shortly after canning, and tried the lid again. Lo and behold, it worked great again. These are a little more expensive than regular lids, but the fact that they are re-usable overshadows the increased cost, so I'm buying enough to cover my needs. I think anyone interested in cutting down on waste (and eliminating acid spoilage) should check these out. The company's web site is

-- Jorgeen Hollister (, August 05, 2000


I agree, they are great! I had received a box of them from my husband's grandmother a few years ago, and couldn't find where to get more until Countryside ran an ad from the company. I stocked up! They have already passed the test of time with me!

-- Fran Ogren (, August 11, 2000.

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