Taking Night Time Pictures With DC240

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I recently bought a DC240 digital camera and took a few pictures during night time in the New York city - one set around the brightly lit Time Square area, and the other set of the city from atop the Empire Square building. The Time Square pictures seemed to be fairly good, but the ones from ES were too dark. I had left all the camera settings to the default (auto) settings. What settings should I have altered to get better pictures? Also, how to shoot the fireworks using this camera?


-- BHARAT VERMA (bbverma@hotmail.com), August 05, 2000


Be sure to turn off the flash. It makes a big difference when you are taking pictures of lights at night.

-- rick (rdowell@home.com), January 25, 2001.

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