Back in the UK... .. blech : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Well folks, I finally ran out of reasons to stay away from home, so I am back in the good old UK, enjoying the typically bad summer weather and generally having a miserable time. I can now think of a million reasons why I shouldn't have come back, but it's a bit late now..... I can't seem to get vp to connect to the vp server; they must have changed something in my absence, so still cannot chat to you all, any tips would be appreciated. Perhaps one day you shall see me back in the halls other than as a mug!

All the best


-- leucite (, August 05, 2000


Leu - you're back!!!!!

Glad you can still get to the message board, at least. Come into VP as a mug, if you can, and we'll try to figure out what's going on with VP and not letting you in (poot -- bad VP, no cookie!).

-- editrix (, August 19, 2000.

Hi Leucite! Welcome back! Sorry the weather's so crummy there. You should be here in the 102 degree heat. I'm melting, I'm melting... LOL! Did you load the latest version of the chat software? The newest version has a better voice chat and fewer booting problems too. Hope I see you soon mug or not!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, August 08, 2000.

Hiya!!! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG nice to see you're back on - well're always welcome, mug or no :)...glad the travelling was wonderful, they are memories you'll always have... Take care of yourself and spoil yourself in the awful weather...cause you deserve it :D *ferret hugs*

-- gobbles (, August 10, 2000.

Hi Leu! I thought you had been eaten somewhere in the deepest depths of New Guinea! Glad you are back. Frankly, I like typical English summer weather. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't. Are you still designing? I have your "hello" gesture stored for when you discover the door to VP - if.... Take care. Orph

-- orpheus6 (, August 13, 2000.

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