Want recipes for Fennel (country kitchen)

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does anyone have good recipes for fennel. I know what to use it for medicinally. My patch is doing quite well. Thanks

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), August 04, 2000


Regular, or the Florence? The regular is great as a seasoning for fish, poultry, and veggie based soups (like potato). The Florence type is delicious on it's own, sauted in butter or olive oil.

-- Connie (Connie@lunehaven.com), August 04, 2000.

Connie, I don't know.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), August 04, 2000.

I'd like to know, too. Last year, friends gave us 2 quart jars - 1 with fennel, and the other with fennel and tomatoes. Both were great. What we've grown looks like a very thick dill plant, ie. feathery on top. Recipes and procedures friends! Cindy and I are very intelligent, but alas!, not omniscient! Help us. And GL!

-- Brad (Homefixer@SacoRiver.net), August 04, 2000.

The florence fennel has a thick base, like celery, but a lot shorter. The stems can be chopped and used like you would celery, but with a much nicer flavor. On the regular fennel, the stems are very similar to dill, and you just use the feathery part of the leaves

-- Connie (Connie@lunehaven.com), August 04, 2000.

Brad, what insight and what a gift of words you have. I'm humbled.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), August 05, 2000.

My wife makes a delicious and refreshing fennel salad. She slices fennel and mushrooms and adds olive oil ,fresh squeezed lemmon juice, and dill as a dressing. I love it.

-- John (john@mridp.com), August 07, 2000.

Get thee to the library and find the nonfiction book "Under the Tuscan Sun," by someone whose name I forget. It's written by a California woman who bought a summer place in Tuscany, Italy, where apparently fennel is used in many of the dishes. Her writing tends toward the condescending to those of us who can't afford Tuscan country places, but she includes a collection of local recipes that sent me to the kitchen.

-- Cash (cash@andcarry.com), August 08, 2000.

Cindy - you make me blush! Nonetheless, I shall inform you of any info I get from my friend. Meanwhile, Cash, thanks for the info. I'll try that. I'll also try a web search. You never know exactly where your good friends are, but there is a good probability they're right here! GL!

-- Brad (Homefixer@SacoRiver.net), August 08, 2000.

Here are a few on-line recipe sources that might help too. www.bestcook.com www.kitchenling.com http://food.epicurious.com/">www.epicurious.com

-- Connie (Connie@lunehaven.com), August 09, 2000.

If we are dealing with the fennel bulb then we make a salad with fennel (the bulb part!) and oranges.... sounds weird but good. Fennel is really nice for a simple soup ... potatos, fennel, onion , salt , a dab of butter boiled and blended maybe a dash of black pepper on top and add a cup of milk or creeam if you like. If we are dealing with the herb or wild fennel then the best thing is stuffed rabbit. I'm feeling a little lazy to explain but if you want the recipe let me know.

-- kelly (kellytree@hotmail.com), August 10, 2000.

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