how many : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
has everyone seen the episodes? have you studied them countless times and know every frame before it comes up, or have you seen them only a few times? i own all the tapes and on average have watched each long episode about 10 times over the past 5 years (having previously recorded off Mtv), and the shorts about 5 times over the period of the year since i got the tapes. i try not to watch them too much so they stay relatively fresh for the next time i watch them. i also find it interesting how i will see an episode somewhat differently after not having seen it in a very long time.
-- stonce anomi (, August 04, 2000
Too much, I'd say. I agree that knowing them too well puts a dampener on the interpretive process, I think it trains the brain to percieve the media a particular way and makes it difficult to concieve of new ways of seeing. I think I might not look at them for a year and see what I get out of it...
-- Matthew Rebholz (, August 04, 2000.
I've seen Last time for everything probably the most times, and that about 5 times. I tend to watch select parts of an episode over and over. Those parts I've seen probably 20 times, and they are always the same select parts. Yet I find myself considering all of the episodes often. Also, when something is discussed on the forum I have gone back and watched that episode, to see the point of the writer. War was a good example of that, also Peter's comments on the Purge and Sybil's stockings.
-- Barb e. (, August 04, 2000.
Since obtaining the videos about a year ago I have watched each episode about 6 times but I have watced the first tape with the LTV and my favourite MTV episodes about a dozen times. I find that even now you can pick things up you missed all the other times. Also, it depends on the mood you are in. If I am attentive I will try and intepret the dialogue if I am lazy I will just let it wash over me as more of an experience.
-- William (, August 04, 2000.
Since I first got into Aeon, in `98, I've seen the long eps about 5-6 times each. The shorts, about 5 times. One exception is Chronophasia: I had to watch that about 8 times, such did it baffle me! I guess I'm about average when it comes to viewing Aeon Flux... still, I've watched it more times than anything else, with the possible exception of Beavis & Butthead.
-- Paul (, August 05, 2000.
I know, I know, strange comparison... what can I say, I love `em both. B&B was almost Lynchian in it's depiction of small-town malaise. Highland, Texas feels all too real, and the humor is deeper than meets the eye. It was a cool show, huh huh.
-- Paul (, August 05, 2000.
Forgot the times I watch with the sound down and my headphones on while on the treadmill, uncountable.
-- Barb e (, August 05, 2000.
i too have many a Beavis and Butthead episode preserved for posterity on VHS; it rules, it RULES! Funny how that show got blamed for turning little kids into irresponsible destructive miscreants. The disclaimer they added at the beginning of the show as a result was even funnier! As for Fon, i find it ironic that a show which has so much re-watch value only had one full-length season produced, so we all can go on multiply watching them into oblivion.
-- stonce anomi (, August 06, 2000.