About Studio DC10plus (Pinnacle Systems)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am about to buy Studio DC10plus (Pinnacle Systems).It supports NTSC and PAL (required), compression to MJPEG, 640x480 (required).
Any comment will be in help.
Thanks, appreciate your help!
-- ILVEN (ilven@mail.com), August 03, 2000
If you haven't already bought the card, you might want to check this site first:http://www.allwood.freeuk.com/faq.htm
It has alot of info on that card, and the FAQ gives you an idea of what you can really do with the card.
-- Danny Rosado (d_knightmare@yahoo.com), December 28, 2000.
Dear ILVEN,I would recommend the Studio DC10plus if you were going to do low- budget desktop video and editing. The manual is a little hard to understand at first, but until you actually start capturing video and editing the scenes (it is not cut and paste) you will start to understand what you can do and make changes accordingly.
For me before I capture any video footage I make sure the setup options (Edit) is changed from automatic detection to create a new scene every 30sec. This gives me scenes I can edit and copy if I have too many scene changes when a family member handles my camera (the only way I can be part of the taping).
As for converting Avi movies to Mpeg1 use Avi2VCD converter. It reduces the file, and comparable to VCD standards.
Good Luck
-- John (John@aol.com), December 28, 2000.