The "connect the dots" re-broadcasters in : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Nowhere did the INTERNET cause more FUD SPREADING than in the Y2k "hysterics". Here we have a good example of both "re-broadcasting" and "connecting the dots" (by people who usually use CRAYONS.A "leading practioner" of "re-broadcasting" saw fit to spread every last piece of manure that "looked bad" while seldom if ever posting to his own list anything that showed Y2k remediation was progressing. Along the way, he distributed some of the worst material going. Here a responsible Police Officer addresses the issue raised but does R. Martin bother to add that?
FOLLOWING WAS A SPAM FROM R. MARTIN "Y2k Paul Revere". Note that he left this out in his spam.:
"(EO) 12919 gives FEMA coordinating power over all federal agencies and everything those agencies have jurisdiction over. They also have coordinating power over all free market resources," explained Frith.
"When you start looking at all these pieces, they are adding up. They are adding up," he stated.
Frith has an agenda to spread distrust of government and create fear, according to one Michigan Y2K emergency planning official.
"There's this tendency for people to think that there's something hidden somewhere in somebody's files, or some secret discussions going on," said Mike Prince, Michigan State Police Emergency Management Division, public affairs officer in a phone interview with WorldNetDaily.
"That's certainly not our feeling. Most of that is hype and most of that is people trying to generate mistrust, and people trying to generate fear, and people trying to profit or benefit from spreading misinformation and that kind of fear," he explained.
Frith pointed out that he does not sell anything. He is paid as a consultant. He does not sell Y2K related books, or preparedness supplies.
FROM THE SPAM OF "Y2k Paul Revere":
No comment--everyone should read and judge for themselves.
Intro excerpts follow -- the entire report is long and a must read.
-- Roleigh
Government plans for the worst in Y2K Consultant cites preparations for martial law
By David M. Bresnahan (c) 1999
Plans have been made for mass evacuations, government takeover of private industries, and the use of martial law, according to a Y2K consultant to the state of Michigan.
All the mechanisms have been put in place for mass evacuations of people to government shelters, government takeover of utilities and private industries, martial law, and a complete transfer of power from local governments to the federal government, according to Franklin Frith.
Frith is a consultant hired by Michigan to conduct workshops for state, city, and county agencies on how to prepare for contingencies related to the year 2000 computer bug, which is expected to cause disruptions. The extent of those disruptions may be anything from minor inconveniences to massive infrastructure failures.
Frith became alarmed when Michigan's many government agencies opened their documents to him. In them he claims he found compelling evidence that a greater problem exists than has been admitted publicly.
...[a long and very alarming report follows]
Roleigh Martin
-- Guess Who (, August 03, 2000
..[a long and very alarming report follows]
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
Roleigh Martin
"There's this tendency for people to think that there's something hidden somewhere in somebody's files, or some secret discussions going on," said Mike Prince, Michigan State Police Emergency Management Division, public affairs officer in a phone interview with WorldNetDaily.
"That's certainly not our feeling. Most of that is hype and most of that is people trying to generate mistrust, and people trying to generate fear, and people trying to profit or benefit from spreading misinformation and that kind of fear," he explained.
-- Guess Who (, August 03, 2000.
Do you think it will piss off Hawk if I keep using his name in my aliases?
-- cpr (, August 04, 2000. Guard - Disconnect Effect
-- (___@___.___), August 04, 2000.
UTAH GUARD ?? STORY WAS IN A LINK WITH CODE: 05101999 and posted same day. UTAH had Senator "Ever Sharp" Bennett who STILL TO THIS DAY has NEVER........Identified the "water facility that can not be fixed due to Y2k embedded systems problems" (denied by all water power authorites in UTAH).And who posted this?? WHY ....ANOTHER "RE-BROADCASTER" NOW WEAVING BASKETS AND GAZING AT THE SUN: Anybody know what the "Feb. 22 memo now public on a Pentagon Web site" is referring to?--
-- pshannon (, May 10, 1999
-- cpr (, August 04, 2000.
-- cpr (, August 04, 2000.