texas pride?

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They've played this down in the media (i guess because no fights broke out) but it is just another moment in history that has made me upset about being from Texas.

http://www.cnn.com/2000/LOCAL/pacific/08/01/azc.kolbe/index.html http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/08/01/convention.wrap/ (scroll down to Gay congressman's speech received with mild protest)

Has anybody heard about this? I saw a woman (a texas delegate) stating how upsetting it was that they would allow somebody so "immoral" to give a speech at the republican convention. I found that sort of funny (ironic). I would have laughed except she was representing my state. Like Texas needs any more of a negative image. Of course LOTS of people in this state do agree with her.

Any thoughts?

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000


I live in Houston.

I think because we are in the "Bible Belt" and because our state is so large (and near the border), we encompass a very diverse population. More so than states like Iowa or Minnesota or Louisiana. Not that there isn't some diversity in those areas, but Texas covers the gammit.

We do have, sadly, some rather narrow minded people - I don't think so much so in the large cities (Houston, Dallas/Ft.Worth, San Antonio, Austin).

I'd be willing to bed, that comment by the woman from Texas, although not the norm, was well-publicized, because her Governor just got nominated for President. "She" is supposed to be a "scary" sample representation of the types of Republicans Bush panders to.

Did she talk about how they allowed blacks in the door??? And a black man even gave a speech, oh my! Heavens to betsy, the whole country's going to hell in a handbag. People like that are ubsurd.

Isn't it sad how discrimination against gays & lesbians is the only politically correct form of hatred these days. I'm not a lesbian, but I don't condemn them for who they are...

Hopefully that woman wasn't my delegate. God help me, Tom Delay is my Representative and he makes my skin crawl. (And he's Republican!)

I think I rambled some - sorry... Maybe I've gotten Jackitis.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Actually the program I watched it on was a local new show, where they are obsessively pulling for the George.

I understand crazy things go on at conventions and this was mild. I understand the basic republican stand on homosexuality. I guess I'm just wound up that it was only the Texas delegates doing this. What about those other Southern Baptist controlled states?

I know all about the power of the "moral" in this state. Classmates started trying to save me in first grade. I'm not a lesbian either but I don't think you have to be to get upset over something of that nature.

It sounds like they were really trying to punish George for even attempting to allow a gay voice. And the guy wasn't even going to mention his sexuality. I don't know why I am so wound up about this. Maybe I'm just tired of being represented by these people.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

First, a little side comment. I think that the media does not play down anything negative about conservatives. Instead, negative news is hunted down methodically and reported/madeup with glee. The liberal 85% of the media can't report on EVERY possibly negative thing every member of the delegations are thinking about, but it is trying to. Stay tuned for more indepth reports. In fact, I suggest for you to watch Peter Jennings as much as possible- I think with him you have the best chance of seeing a report on this type of issue.

Since you said that there are lots of people in the state that agree with her, and that she represents people from the state, maybe you should just look at it like she was doing her job. At least, that is how republics are suppose to work.

And a great big "thanks" for the first link above. I enjoyed reading that. I did not know Cheney had a gay child, but last night the first time I saw his daughters I thought "the one on the right looks gay." I love being right. Of course, I AM assuming the one in the fluffy pink dress was not the lesbian, but I feel confident on this one.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

If the media works so hard at reporting every negative thing Republicans say and do, then I have to say that Republicans are remarkably restrained on camera.

Maybe *I'm* biased though... I get that way after listening to my Dubya-supporting neighbors warn me about "wetbacks" and "butch dykes".

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

I did not know Cheney had a gay child, but last night the first time I saw his daughters I thought "the one on the right looks gay." I love being right.

What an astute observation. Judging from some of the things being said on this forum, I suspect that the "liberal" media doesn't have to look too hard for conservatives making bone-headed statements. Sounds like easy work, if you can get it...

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Gwen (or anyone), what are wetbacks?


-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Jarvis: it's a perjorative term referring to Mexican immigrants. Generally only used by the kind of trashy people that other trashy people would call "white trash."

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Thanks Beth. BTW, here here on your stand to not be a one issue voter. I too think that has caused more problems that it has solved.

I had a hunch wetbacks might have meant that, but I was confused because it did not seem to apply to the Bush family well since Latinos are members of his family.

I guess then that candidates may not then be well represented sometimes by their supporters. ;-) That is a funny twist to me on the nature of a republic. Serves those damn politicians right!

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Jarvis, it may be because even some people of Mexican descent use the word 'wetback' (white folks aren't the only ones with prejudices). It's perjorative, but usually isn't used to indicate all those of Mexican descent, but rather those that entered the US illegally. The word stems from the idea that they swam across the Rio Grande to get here.

To use the word to indicate any person of Mexican descent is not only bigoted, but ignorant as well, and it is a major insult to assume - as some do - that every Hispanic is an illegal alien, which strips them not only of their dignity, but is an attempt to strip them of their rights as a citizen.

No, I will not be voting for Bush, for a number of reasons.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Jarvis, I never said my neighbors were members of the Bush family.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Last night we were watching the convention and they showed Cheney's daughters and I said to my spouse, "By the way, did you know one of his daughters is a lesbian?" He thought I was kidding. I told him I really wasn't (this time) and that it would be funny if it were the one in the pink fluffy dress. I don't actually know which one it is. However, he continues to think I'm pulling his leg on this one. I've fibbed to him too many times in the past, I guess...

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Honestly -- do we KNOW that in that entire convention hall populated with an awful lot of right-wing Christians, the ONLY ones to pray for the gay souls were from Texas?

Or were the ones from Texas reported simply because that's where the news is -- Bush's home state?

Or because the Texas delegation is in a place of prominence?

I would be amazed if the only ones were from Texas.

And yes, it irritated the hell out of me.


-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Matt Drudge said on his radio show that one of Cheney's daughters works for Coors in Colorado as the manager of gay and lesbian marketing. He cited a magazine interview (the name of which escapes me, it was some regional thing) with her in which she confirmed the rumors.

Newt Gingrich's sister is also a lesbian.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

So there's not just ONE lesbian related to a politician... but TWO?

Land sakes a mighty!

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

And don't forget Chastity Bono!

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

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