Extra Income For Ministers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Dear Ministers, Teachers, Pastors, Evangelist and everyone,

I recently came across this exciting oppotunity to gain extra income, with very little invested time. In fact this opportunity provides you with extra income, plus your own master card with no credit check, no interest, no social security number and an unlimited supply of extra income. In fact any unused balance on your card EARNS 6% interest toward your balance. Interested? Please check out this site ( www.galaxyoffshore.com) and down load a simple Galaxy Application or call this number for more info. (512)617-9066 Pincode 85533# on 2pm est. and 8pm est.

Tell them Anthony Kelley # 31785 sent you.

May the Lord Bless you... He sure has me!

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000


Forget "Airplane"....it sounds more like "Spaceballs!"

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Each new Cadet pays a one-time fee of $1000.00 directly to PILL for an Activated PILL Offshore Trust in Belize and corresponding Private Numbered Offshore Bank Account in the Bahamas (this is the product). This person is then entered into an existing Galaxy as one of the Galaxy's six, new Cadets. This Galaxy already contains two "free" Cadet positions, which belong to the current Commander of that Galaxy. Along with the Commander and Cadets, the Galaxy also contains four Astronauts, and two Navigators. The crew will now work together to fill the available Cadet positions. When there is a total of 15 shipmates, the Commander of that Galaxy will have his Credit/Debit card issued, a Death Benefit set up for him/her and $750 placed into his Trust for each of the 6 new Cadets. $100 goes to the shipmate, regardless of their position in the Galaxy, who sponsors the new Cadets! That means that everyone, no matter where in the Galaxy they are gets paid! This Galaxy now divides into two, new Galaxies and ceases to exist. However, the entire crew progresses to new positions in a new Galaxy, one ring closer to the Commander position. At EACH Galaxy division, the Commander is entered into TWO, new Galaxies at the Astronaut level, and NEVER pays for re-entry. Once his Credit Card is issued and Death Benefit is set-up, a Commander receives the full $4500.00 {in $750 increments as each new Cadet comes aboard} each time he reaches the Commander position of each new Galaxy. {Credit Card issuance happens when the first of the six new Cadets enters the Galaxy. Galaxy division occurs when the last of the six cadets enters the Galaxy.}

Anybody remember "Airplane?"

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000

This sounds like a "pyramid scheme". If it is in fact such, Uncle Sam may kick in free room and board for 1 - 5. I would check with the BBB before becoming involved. There ain't no free lunch.


-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

By very definition a pyramid scheme, is where mases of peoples come to an ever widening base- and the people on top are fixed. By legal definition social security is a pyrimid. THis is not a scheme. THis is an offshore trust through a bank. THis is more like a wise investment where your money works for you and is not risky like the stock market. Check out the web site and the phone call.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

Well, if you don't like that one, how about this business opportunity?

It's a very simple process, you simply start this business opportunity (in other words, go into business for yourself)Then you simply buy products from yourself at a greatly discounted rate. The best part of the business are the soap products!!! I once bought a bar of soap from myself and it lasted 15 years! And on top of that, I was getting a monthly check back for my business! You just can go wrong! AND you can do this business in as little as 3 or 4 hours a week!

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

I bought a bar of soap and it lasted 10 years...

Course, I didn't have many close friends during that time...

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2000

Anthony wrote:

By very definition a pyramid scheme, is where masses of peoples come to an ever widening base- and the people on top are fixed.

Wrong. It can still be a pyramid without having a "fixed" top. It is still a pyramid by virtue of the fact that the only money flowing through it is "entrance" money from the first timers, flowing upwards (the fact that the top dogs rotate out of the "spaceship" notwithstanding).

By legal definition social security is a pyramid.


This is an offshore trust through a bank.

So what? It's still a pyramid. Just an "offshore" pyramid.

Check out the web site and the phone call.

Been there. Done that. Still a pyramid. (yawn)

-- Anonymous, August 05, 2000

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