An old home found : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
G'eve to all. It has become evident to me that no matter where I have gone to in VP, there is always that certain lack of respect we all used to share here in Exile. I too have experienced the lack of it in rooms I half called home this summer.Tis time to return to my roots, and bring back all that was once good here in Exile. I dont' know what caused everyone to leave, though I know little stories about what occured, and even those have been blurred by time.
Anyhoo, to keep a long winded elf on somewhat a shorter posting, I'll now be residing in Exile when I do return in a hope to lure some unsuspecting travelers in a quality and decent conversation.
May you all be at peace, and do take care, perhaps I'll see you some night!
Yours affectionatly Drizzt Do'Urden of Exile
-- Drizzt Do'Urden (, August 01, 2000
I know what you mean, Drizzt. I've been going to Da Vinci's Notebook because at least a few of the people I know chat in there but it's just not like it was in Exile...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, August 02, 2000.
drizzt.. even our new exilers ( vava ) seem to find a sort of companionable peace in exile that does not exist in any other place in vp. i know " nothing on earth is constant but change " but i also hope the change will continue full circle and more of us will return. i miss us all. i know ink has been having trouble getting vp to recognize his server. not sure what is up with that but he will figure it out. i heard from Hanover fist a few days ago. he is now in virginia. he goes into a different chat program now. the bum ... :-P someone mentioned seeing a person useing the name vladislaw in notebook not too long ago. i am not good with names but i know a few people i would like to find again. tis sad we know so little of them here, but best i am certain. be well all of our friends. try to pop in upon occasion.des.
-- r c..... desdra (, August 10, 2000.