Do you love your electronic toys? : LUSENET : like sands : One Thread |
What's the one electronic accessory you'd bring with you to a desert island? (That's a desert island with electricity, obviously).
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000
Hm...possible answers include: a CD player, a drum machine, maybe a bass amp...
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000
Well, how many naked women will there be on this island?
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000
oy, now I'm sure I'm going to go buy that Visor I've been toying with in my head today. That would really be my first electronic toy, outside of cd players and zip drives. What color powerbook? or is it not an i-book? even cooler. Laptops are incredibly fun toys. And those butternut squash gallettes sound delicious. You are living a very un-graduate student life, as far as I am concerned...
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000
It's a powerbook, not an i-book, so it's my favorite color BLACK. I will let you know how the galettes turn out, you want the recipe? They're pretty easy to make--I got the recipe from Deborah Madison's excellent Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone.
-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000
I may be the last living human who does not own a cell phone, pager, PDA, or laptop. I love playing on line, but I hate being on someone's electronic leash. i love toys, but hate the thought of being phoned or paged when i'm out and about.
-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000
As a computer scientist I spend the majority of my days working on and being around lots of computer equipment. It can really get on my nerves sometimes so I try to avoid electronic gadgetry outside of the lab -- no PDA's, cell phones, laptops, etc. About the only electronic device I look forward to handling at the end of the work day is my electric guitar. Can I take that to the island?
-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000
I just bought my first cell phone for an impending drive from Florida to New York. I signed up for AT&T's PocketNet service, as well, so I can surf the 'net and receive email on my phone. I admit it, I can't put this thing down. I'm obsessed.
-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000