Do your pets like to watch you have sex? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Instead of the "are your pets happy" question, which we really can't know, we should be asking the following important question: Do your pets seem to like to watch you get it on? And how do they demonstrate their interest? Do they hop on the bed next to you and purr, or are their responses more extreme?

My cat Gremmy used to be known as "Gremmy sex cat" for this very reason. Of course, now that I've been involuntarily celibate for some time, she has reverted to being merely "Gremmy Grem cat".

Maybe I should have posted this one over at Pamie's forum. Oh, who knows. Here it is.

-- Anonymous, July 30, 2000


They don't seem to have any interest. None of my cats ever has.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2000

My dog used to be very jealous of any expression of affection that didn't include her, and frankly there weren't many that didn't. But sometimes my mother and I would hug and fawn just to see Shadow yelp and whine and insert herself on our feet. I had sex one time in my parents' house and my dog nearly went nuts. We were deliberately being louder than usual because we could, being in a house on two acres rather than in a dorm room with neighbors, but even so, Shadow was much distressed.

My husband and I have had two cockatiels and both of them reacted. Lots of head-bobbing and pacing and vocal commentary. Neither of our birds can be at liberty without direct supervision allowing immediate intervention between itself and whatever danger it's discovered or invented for itself, which means it gets caged for the duration.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2000

My cat is *SO* not interested! She leaves the room and doesn't come back until we are through. If we start fooling around when she is in the bed with us, it's almost as if she rolls her eyes and says, "Oh no, here they go again. I'm outta here!"

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2000

I don't think my cats are interested in watching us have sex, but one of my cats is oddly fascinated by my boyfriend's penis. She just stares at it.

-- Anonymous, July 31, 2000

We have two dogs and two cats and normally they could care less. On occasion though the dogs go into "concern for Mommy mode" in which they have been known to growl. A few weeks ago I was noisier than usual and at the point of climax my dog (75lb lab mix) started growling at my husband. Talk about your anti-climax, what could we do but start laughing--and assure the dog that daddy was not hurting mommy.


-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000

Our kitty doesn't really like to "watch" but she will usually take her protective position standing guard at the door. She does this when Rane isn't home and I go to bed alone as well. Sometimes she is tired and WILL NOT get off the bed and holds her ground at the foot of the bed and ignores us.

Other times she decides to run over us which ends up with us in hysterics.

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000

"She just stares at it."

Eww, that would freak me out. I shudder to think think of the damage those tiny little claws could cause when kitty finally comes to the conclusion it might be a nice toy to play with!

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000

I used to live with a Rottwieler that would get jelous of any expression of affection. I remember when my girlfriend came to visit and I gave her a hug and he growled, then he stood up on his hind legs, put both of his paws on her shoulder and pushed her.

My kitty used to hide from everyone so it wasn't an issue, until Sarah and I got back together this past Spring. The first night she came "just to visit" the cat kept coming into the bedroom and standing next to us and purring. It provided a convenient distraction from the question of whether she would sleep on the bed or on the floor. But then when she decided on the bed, the damn cat just wouldn't leave.

Oh well, the cats gone now, and I think the girl will be soon too (thanks for those who replied to the "girl trouble" topic. I did go down to Atlanta and I did spend her birthday with her and the other guy she is dating, and she still couldn't understand why either of us had a problem with it. I don't need that kind of selishness in someone I want to be a significant part of my life)

-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000

My husband and I used to have two cats who would sit on the dresser and purr with their eyes closed while we had sex. Before we were married, I had a cat who would hide until we were done and asleep. Then she'd jump on my husband-to-be's head. He hated that cat.

-- Anonymous, August 02, 2000

My cat Stoney doesn't care for watching. I think he is still mad at me for the whole "neutering" thing. His brother on the other hand will watch and I used to get freaked out by it. He would jump up on the bed and sit right next to us and stare. It was a hard, long cat stare too. I had to put him out everytime.

My dog however, is another story.

When we first got him he was 8 weeks old. He was VERY attached to us and slept with us between the pillows. It was so cute, all you would see was this little head poking up above the pillows. But when it was time to get down to it, we put him on the floor where he would play with his "squeaky rubber walrus". Here we are getting it on and our 8 week old puppy is having a ball running around on the floor with his chew toy. Eventually, the noises on the bed would get louder and this worried him. He would jump back onto the bed and investigate. This means planting his nose right on Ken's ass. We never laughed so hard in our lives.

After awhile he stopped. I guess he just got used to the noise and learned to ignore it and go to sleep. But a few nights ago, "the cold wet nose" came back to haunt us. We again had a really good laugh. We couldn't even finish. We just collapsed in laughter.

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2000

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