It just looks pseudosuspicious, but(part 2) : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
just think of the trickle down
-- KoFE (your@town.USA), July 28, 2000
My, my, the author of this screed is a cigarette smoker. He is a lackey of the capitalist running dogs of Big Tobacco.
-- (, July 28, 2000.
Genghis here.Excuse me but does someone have a problem with the Joy of War?
-- Genghis Khan (, July 28, 2000.
GK,Not I said the fly....
-- (Comes@Around.InHere), July 28, 2000.
GK,Actually, War is business. Big Business. I never turn down Big Business. Do You?
-- (Comes@Around.InHere), July 28, 2000.