Recommend some : LUSENET : chatterbox: the amplified to rock forum : One Thread |
You know what I like. Recommend something for me to check out. It can be your site, a friend's site, or just something you really like. Use HTML or just type in the URL and I'll cut and paste.
-- Anonymous, July 28, 2000
hey, feel free to check out we've already been bashed by indieshite and us against them, so you might want to get in on the action as well.
-- Anonymous, July 28, 2000
Old zines die hard. ChickenX.
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2000
I love, love, love the Guardian: crossword puzzles, all the UK news you want, and a host of interesting articles.
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2000
Whoever thought they had too much time on their hands, check this out.
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000
Uh, websites...plural? I didn't know there were other websites besides Amplified to Rock!Ohhhh...THAT's how this Internet thing works. NOW I see. Well I like these ones:
1. -- because her pictures make me melt in my chair. The other people at work don't like that too much. This is my current fave.
2. - because...just because. and i just think its a cool concept of having 4 different folks doing one page and i think they do it well.
3.,, spark -- because they are all just such really good writers. i admire that.
4. - because i'm recovering sports geek.
-- Anonymous, August 01, 2000
-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000
Check out my web radio station: genre=search&searchdesc=brianmachine&sort=G:U
-- Anonymous, December 07, 2000's a good way to kill an hour if you're bored and want a good, hearty laugh. These are funny, ultra, ultra condensed plot outlines of a bunch of movies.
-- Anonymous, December 07, 2000
ZumOnline: My site. zine, label, sundries http://www.zumonline.comMilky Elephant: graphic design, games, cards
-- Anonymous, January 09, 2001
I must recommend "Life During Wartime."
It's maintained by this sexy mo-fo named Brad. He deserves a pat on the back for this blog of pure genius.
-- Anonymous, February 05, 2001