Refinery outages push gasoline prices : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Continuing market talk of an outage at Tosco
Corp.'s 135,000 barrel per day gasoline-making
catalytic cracker in Linden, N.J., the largest
in the United States, pushed gasoline higher.

. . .

"Today's prices were driven by product prices,
with gasoline reacting to news of refinery

Altavista Live

-- spider (, July 28, 2000


Whenever I fly in or out of Newark International Airport it seems the planes fly over the hugh Bayway (Tosco) complex. It is at most 5 air miles from the airport. Doesn't sound like too safe a siting to me considering how that Concorde went down over a nearby village. If anything like that happened the infracstructure would suffer serious damage.

-- K (, July 28, 2000.

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