Nikon F interchangebility with F2 & F4 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I would appreciate any input on 2 questions I have...

1. I would like to know if I can interchange the finder on F4 to F body or vice versa. Or if F2 finder can be interchangeble with F and vice versa.

2. Can I use all the AIS or AI lenses on F or on F2's?.

thank you JK

-- Jin Kim (, July 27, 2000


All this stuff is in the Nikon FAQ (see, but brief answers:

1) The F4 and F finders are totally incompatible. F and F2 finders are semi-compatible but the F2 finders do not have a battery chamber so you need to rig up your own power on the F if you used a metered F2 prism. I think you have to remove the Nikon nameplate, too. There's no point using an F finder on the F2, but they apparently fit.

2) Yes. You need meter prongs on them and they have to be f/5.6 or faster if you want to use the meter. AF lenses don't have meter prongs. You can add them.

-- Jim MacKenzie (, July 27, 2000.

1. F4 finders are NOT interchangeable with any other body. F and F2 finders ARE interchangeable with a slight modification (you have to remove the "Nikon" nameplate from the F2 finder in order the attach it to an F. Also, some early F bodies need a minor modificaction before you can mount F2 finders and some F finders --see http://www.cameraquest.c om/nfinder.htm for more details).

2. Yes.

-- Geoffrey S. Kane (, July 27, 2000.

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