Thanks for the Party!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Just wanted to say that despite the HORRENDOUS lag, thanks to everyone that showed up in Exile last night. It was great seeing all of you!!I got booted when we did the tour thing and didn't have the energy to get back in. Maybe next time we can try it again.
-- SFG (, July 27, 2000
now i am really unhappy. i DID get to see editrix and wolfie and chacha too. i had to leave before anyone else showed up. the lightening lasted just long enough for it to be midnight out there and i got sleepy. hope we do this again. i miss having Exile populated by exilers. :)
-- desdra (, July 27, 2000.
Sorry I missed ya desdra. I musta come in right when you left....drat it!!!
-- SFG (, July 27, 2000.
Me too! I say we try it again this Saturday night. Maybe the lag monsters won't be growling at us.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 27, 2000.