Which 2 MP camera is best

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm looking to buy my 1st camera and am thinking about getting a 2 megapixel camera. So far the kodak 280 and the sony dsc-s50 seem to be the two favorites. Which one is better? There isn't that much info on the sony so anything would be helpful. Thanks.

-- Matt Bilge (bilge316@yahoo.com), July 27, 2000


I would personally advise looking at the Olympus Camedia 2020, it`s older brother the 2000 second hand or an end of line Nikon Coolpix 950 in preference to the ones which you have singled out, when I was doing my research, these regularily came out on top, I bought the Nikon as I need 'it`s end of the world' macro as well as very sharp images with good colour balance.

-- Rachel Willis (RM_Willis@chickmail.com), July 30, 2000.

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