Telephoto lens for DSC-S70 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Can you add a telephoto lens to the sony dsc-s70. If it can be done how do I go about it and where can I find the parts necessary.

-- Tom Sanderson (, July 25, 2000


See the post by Christ Ho [2000-07-05] and my response. With the required VAD-S70 adapter, you can use any 52mm lens or filter. Of course, lens and filter quality varies!

-- Henry (, July 25, 2000.

Another source of accessory lenses in addition to those mentioned in the previous post is Bugeyed Digital. Click Sony for a list of lenses for Sony models. The VAD-S70 adapter has a 52mm thread.

-- Henry (, July 27, 2000.

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