DVD/VCD/CD on my DVD player. How do you create VCD?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have a Sony miniDV and after capturing digital video I want to generate a file that can be play on my DVD. Is it posible?


-- mariano rodriguez (mariano.rodriguez@chase.com), July 25, 2000


Go here: http://www.redrobe.demon.co.uk/dvd/vcd.html to see if your player will handle a CD-R or CD-RW VCD disk - many do not.

If it does, you can use freeware encoders like bbMPEG (http://members.home.net/beyeler) and TMPGEnc (my favorite - www.jamsoft.com/tmpgenc/) to take an AVI and create an MPEG file from that is compliant w/VCD standards.

Then you can use CD-ROM burning software like NERO (http://www.nero.com/en/download.htm) or Adaptec's EZ CD Creator Deluxe (www.adaptec.com) to make a VCD from your MPEG file.


-- Dana White (danabw@hotmail.com), July 26, 2000.

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