PIONEER 909 / 919 OWNERS LOOK! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

After weeks of stress i have sorted it out myself-i have at last found a brand of CDR that works perfect with the rather fussy Pioneer DVD players:-


with almost nil errors and they can be FF/RW/SELECT/NEXT/PREVIOUS...with no problems.

these are the ONLY ones i have had work 99% well!!!

they are the only ones which i will use for successful playback of your favourate VCD's on these fussy m/c's

Hope this helps.

-- CAHOLLOWAY (, July 25, 2000


I use Comp USA brand to make all my VCDs and they work fine on my 909 DVD player. They are much cheaper than Sony brand. I paid $39 for 100 discs.

-- Keyman (, July 25, 2000.

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