Is laptop ok for vcd making? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi,I was wondering if there is anybody here who uses laptop for vcd making. Any comments? I know vcd making is disk and cpu intensive, so I was thinking it might be best done on a desktop rather than a laptop. But I travel a lot so I'm considering a laptop. I'm looking at any Sony VAIO model so that I could use my digital 8 camcorder. Thanks.
-- Ed V. (, July 24, 2000
My first VCD is made from a laptop with Dazzle USB DVC. It came out OK. My laptop is a Compaq Presario, and i used it for traveling as well. The spec for my laptop is K6-3DNow 433Mhz with 156Mb SDRAM and a tiny 6Gig UDMA drive ( you gonna need more! ), Sony USB burner 4x4x16x, Blaster live sound card, and trident 8Mb video. Well, i now used it mainly for playback. Believe me, you better off using desktop, since VCD making is very time consuming and you don't want to drag your laptop down with that.
-- lnguyen (, July 24, 2000.