Dammit, now I REALLY want another dog!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Beth, Mochi is adorable! How did you convince Jeremy that she needed to come live with you? Can you call my boyfriend and tell him that Zubie needs a little sibling to play with? Can Zubie and I just blow off the boyfriend and come live with you and your zoo?

Seriously, Mochi is a lovely little girl, and I'm glad that she's found a good home with you! Doc looks very happy to have a little buddy to get into mischief with.

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2000


Am I missing something? Where is the picture of Mochi? I want to see her too.

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2000

Linda, there's pics of Mochi and Doc on today's journal entry.

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2000

Awwwwwwwwwwww they're so cute together. Playing, chewing and getting to no good together - aww - I can't take it.

Congrats on the new pup!

-- Anonymous, July 24, 2000

Beth, what a BEAUTIFUL puppy! Oh God, how do you stand it with so much cuteness surrounding you. Your dogs are just the sweetest.

-- Anonymous, July 25, 2000


Love, Love, Love the new puppy. She's SO cute. Doc looks like he loves her, just like Mack did when I got Brandy.

I wish you much puppy happiness, Beth! Playing with the puppy is more fun than all that typing that's hurting your hands!


-- Anonymous, July 25, 2000

They are really good together. Mochi is such a good puppy -- much easier than Doc. She's much less headstrong. All you have to do is say "no" in a serious voice, and she stops whatever she's doing. She'll do just about anything for praise and approval.

She's good with the cats, she loves her crate, she's a breeze to train, and she's affectionate as all get out. We were told she was aloof and independent, but she's neither of those things. She's a lap dog.

She's far from perfect. She's very, very fearful of strangers and she's slightly dog aggressive. She's already getting better, though, just from being walked twice a day and being corrected (very gently, she's a good dog) for barking or whatever. I foresee some problems with her and Doc -- he let her be the boss for a few days (see today's photos), but he's had enough of that. She seems to be backing down, though, so we'll see how it goes.

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2000

I noticed a big difference between my male and female dogs. The girls get NO right away but Mack will sometimes test me on it. He's a lot more stubborn than the girls.

The boss issues will take a little while to settle down, but it will settle down. Mack is the boss in our house and Brandy had no trouble giving into it. Ginger didn't have any trouble with it either but Mack spent a lot of time being pushy with her about it. He's over it now, but it did take a couple of months.

And as long as they all know that Dave and I are the ultimiate bosses, we don't have any problems.

Ginger does that thing with the toys too -- she's always stealing from Brandy and then Brandy comes running to me to fix the situation. My house is covered in toys because I need to have THREE of everything.


-- Anonymous, July 26, 2000

Boy, I start a new job and am away from the site for several weeks and the most exciting thing happens -- new puppy in da house!

It's SICK, sick, I tell you how cute they look together. I know that there are some readers out there who think there's too much dog talk, but I am not one of them. Hey, if I donate several dollars to xeney.com Beth, do you think the dogs could have their own site? Or would that be too much to ask?

-- Anonymous, July 26, 2000

Absolutely adorable.

I'm all melty now.

-- Anonymous, July 27, 2000

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