VCD from Hong Kong and China : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Dear Russell,

I tried VCD purchased from HongKong and China on a DVD player purchased in US which has VCD fuction. However, it did not play well. The picture is black and white as well as rolling down. Can you tell me what is wrong?


-- jasmine qian (, July 23, 2000


The VCD is probably encoded in PAL format. Some DVD players don't convert the video to NTSC. The problem is that the video for PAL is 352x288 at 25 frames per second, while NTSC is 352x240 at 29.976 frames per second and your DVD isn't squeezing the PAL size to NTSC or converting the frame rate. Hope I was of some help.

-- Mr.Ian Roswell (, July 23, 2000.

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