MIS-LEADERS Self Appointed Local "Experts" (Mass.)greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Belvidere Neighborhood AssociationLowell Massachusetts
Y2k Committee
http://lowellonline.org/bna/y2k/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No one knows now exactly what the consequences of the Y2k will be in 2000. Our objective is ensure that Lowell is a Y2k Informed. We at the BNA will work with all groups in Lowell and to prepare our residents, businesses, and organizations for the risks of Y2K-disruptions.
BUSINESSES* Four Hundred & Ninty Five (495) businesses went out of business when UPS went on strike a few years ago because they had no contingency plan. The U.S. Govenrment Office of the Department of Commerce, Department or Agriculture and the SBA has been offering to assist businesses for over a year with a well presented Self-Help Package called th Y2K JumpStart Kit. This Y2K-JSK has software to be used in taking a facility inventory, doing some prioritization, asking yourself what is critical to your business, deciding on contingency plans (What If) and working towards remediation. What if your facility has no lights on January 3rd or 4th... what are you going to do with 10 or 50 employees during this dark time? What if paroll stops working and the employees can't get paid, what if you can't ship product or open your store because the security system failed or there is no heat to protect you and your folks from the January freeze? What if you had ordered the "FREE" Y2K JumpStart Kit and you had resolved all these issues ahead of time? It is never too late all it costs is 15 minutes of your time. There is an MEP office right here in Lowell that can deliver one right to your door tomorrow, "FREE" and no further obligations. Call this number right now... 1-800-Y2k-7557, you will thank yourself in a few weeks.
We will be sitting down with the Director of Finance at the City of Lowell soon to ask some Y2K questions which will be presented in a report card format.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 23, 2000
Just can't let go of it, can you CPR? Why don't you just publish a short, informative analysis complete with lessons learned from the experience and leave it at that? Maybe you could apply some of the lessons learned to present and future happenings.
-- Lurker2 (lots@to.lurk.for), July 23, 2000.
And then there was "Napa Valley" another bunch of coconuts who planned "community gardens" for food.http://www.y2knapa.com/index.html
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 23, 2000.
Let's see... The article was posited in "what if" terms. The "JumpStart Kit" was free (no profiteering, or so it seems). So what point are we supposed to be making here?
-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), July 23, 2000.
Point?The self appointed Y2k Vigilantes in Mass. were going to issue a "report card" on their town's administration. WHO WERE THEY or any of the other self appointed "experts"?
As it turned out long after the Lowell page went up, the Boston Globe rated munis around Boston as to Y2k readiness.
Lowell came in last. These people were out online trying to "organize" the rest of the world and they couldn't even get their own home town to shape up.
That by the way was true of almost all of the community efforts except in Oregon where the over reaction in Rouge Valley cost taxpayers time and money.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 23, 2000.
And whatever happened to Paloma O'Reilly, Eric Utne and the guru of harmonic convergence, David Sunfellow?
-- Lars (lars@indy.net), July 23, 2000.
What happened to them?They "moved on" as soon as it was possible for them to believe nobody was *watching* them. Paloma at least had enough sense to read the tea leafs long before. After her token effort was not "extreme" enough for the Left or Right, she "vanished". Utne claimed he "gave away" 1/2 million copies of his Leftist bent "y2k guide". If he only cleared 25 cents on each, how much did he make? At the end, he and the "Center for Y2k and wasted grant money" were trying to give away their materials rather than send it to a land fill where it would pollute even that. The others were *hitch hikers* on the Y2k gravy train. They got in too late and like others who didn't know better (Atlee comes to mind), their "work" was stillborn. If they couldn't get to the Funding from the assorted foundations like Nathan Cummings, they had a problem.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 23, 2000.
The self appointed Y2k Vigilantes in Mass. were going to issue a "report card" on their town's administration. WHO WERE THEY or any of the other self appointed "experts"?As it turned out long after the Lowell page went up, the Boston Globe rated munis around Boston as to Y2k readiness.
Lowell came in last. These people were out online trying to "organize" the rest of the world and they couldn't even get their own home town to shape up.
At the risk of stating the obvious, it could be the reason this group in Lowell wanted to issue a "report card" is because it knew Lowell hadn't done much about y2k yet, something the Boston Globe did not discover until later.
-- My (2_1/2@cents.worth), July 24, 2000.
AND....at the even more "obvious",,,,why was that when the "community activists" were right there?The fact is that these "activists" were the typical "nervous nellies" and "GAD FLIES" that every town has. Even the GLOBE was behind, shortly after that article, Boston and Dallas were rated as the 2 most Y2k Ready Cities in the US. As it turned out, so was everyone else for the "Crisis" that ***HARDLY WAS**.
-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 24, 2000.