VCD Help Needed : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

About a year ago I got a Dazzle DVC, I used it but I was not happy with the quality. Recently, I got a ATI TV-Wonder. It can capture in AVI & MPEG. I only have about 6-7 GIGs free & the AVI files were too large using the Digital VCR software from ATI. I found that using the VirtualDub program made capturing a lot easier with smaller files. Anyway, I was wondering if I capture at 704x480, then convert to a VCD file, if It would look any better than capturing at 352x240. For VirtualDub, I use the "PIC Video MJPEG Codec". (Is this any good?) I was also wondering how much better a VCD looks with a video bitrate of 2500. Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it. Jay

-- Jay (, July 21, 2000


Jay i can answer part of your question, yes a vcd looks awesome at a bitrate of 2500. I use the dazzle usb version to capture. And you have to do a few other steps with it to get the good quality. For some reason i think you may have tried it on the "vcd template" which is a no no. Well anyway, vcds look great at 2500 all i mkae them now is with that bitrate.

-- Doug (, July 21, 2000.


If you are using ATI AWI128, you can use the TV program that included with MMC6.2 to capture your clip at 352x240 using higher bitrate 3200Kb/s. Then use Panasonic Encoder to convert it to VCD. Alternative you can also use it to create SVCD in MPEG2. Goto Richa's web page for how to create SVCD using ATI. The most important thing to remember about VCD is the source is a major quality factor.

-- lnguyen (, July 22, 2000.

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