Pics erased from sm card : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm using an oly 2000, PowerMac G4, OS9.04 w/Virex 5.9 installed, Fuji SM-R1 smartmedia reader-USB, oly 8mb sm card and Simple Technologies 16 mb card. Recently, images have been disappearing from the cards. I take the pics, load card in the reader and it recognizes the card, but no DCIM or Olympus folder, hence no images. i take the card out and load it into the camera and it also says 0 pics. This has been happening maybe half of the times I load the card. Anyone know the cause of this problem? Bad card? Bad Reader? OS incompatibility? This has happened both with a Virex scan on mount and without scanning card. Thanks.

-- Ringo Santiago (, July 21, 2000


Sorry I don't have an answer but I do have the same problem. I have a D460Z Olympus, a microtec card reader for my Powerbook 1400 running OS9.04. My camera "sees" the pictures until I put the smartmedia (either 32MB or 8MB) into the card slot to try to read it and then I can not only see it on my desktop but when I try to use the smart media card in the camera it tells me there are no pictures. (In spite of the no pictures message, an appropriate amount of disk space is used up as if the pictures were there.. I do hope someone can help us both out.

-- Frank Satterwhite (, August 13, 2000.

I had the same problem with my C-3000 and Win2000 OS. I've written to Olympus. Meanwhile, for anyone else who surfs here, here's a freeware program I found that quickly recovered all my pictures (perhaps suggesting that the reader isn't to blame; it worked fine for the recovery application)

-- Sylvia Ahern (, July 08, 2002.

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