where to purchase in Los Angeles

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have decided to purchase an Olympus 2020 and have a friend who travels to Los Angeles periodiclly. He is heading up tomorrow from New Zealand where the camera is twice the price. Does anyone know anywere near the South Bays Area where it can be purchased at a reasonable price?

-- Phill Kibblewhite (Phill_SGO@xtra.co.nz), July 20, 2000


I've dealt with Sammy's up in Santa Barbara and they have a store in LA. I think it's on Fairfax. They have been very helpful but they aren't as inexpensive as the rude ones in NYC.

-- bill (this_old_house@pobox.com), July 20, 2000.

I JUST bought a Olympus C 3030 from Focus Camera on the net & got it in 1 1/2 days, shipping free (in the states). I'm extreamly impressed with them & they wern't rude.

-- Arnie Abegg (a2@earthlink.net), July 22, 2000.

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