hatched is not dead, but some ppl may still hope.greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Well, it just so happened that i was feeling *cough* nostalgic, and read through some of the old messages on this ever expanding board of vp drama, and apparently someone is impersonating me using the very similiar and sinister email address "porcelainbowl_@hotmail.com" Of course, if one looks closely, the signature that betrays is that stupid little dash after "porcelainbowl" whereas anyone who has ever emailed me at said address knows that i don't have a dash after it. So i apologize for any ridiculous charades that this imposter has been playing in my name (asides from all my own ridiculous charades). So please, stop trying to taint my good name --we all know it's been done long before by more vicious creatures of VP.
-- hatched (hatched@hotmail.com), July 18, 2000
Well, I'm glad hatched isn't dead.Maybe if you start sending the imposter voodoo doll cards, it would help?
Hmmm. There's an odd thought. If someone is posing as ~you,~ and you make a voodoo doll ... who should it look like? ... I think I need to drink some more coffee to be able to even ~think~ about that without it hurting my brain.
No problems, hatched or nonhatched. All words in VP taken with huge doses of salt, anyway. But I think you know that. We're here to enjoy ourselves.
Glad ta see ya.
-- edititrix (editrix@windhaven.com), July 19, 2000.
Welcome back hatched! There should be an enforceable law that protects us from Internet imposters. Do we know any Internet lawyers or Internet friendly congressmen/women that we could petition for aid?
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 22, 2000.