ok....where is everyone (again?)greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
howdy.....test test 1,2,3....anyone there? Everyone send me your schedules and a copy of you organizers...we have to put it together people! Miss you all!
-- wash (washngo@excite.com), July 18, 2000
Hmmmm. If you promise to be a good boy, I'll send you the URL to view my online schedule from my Palm. :-)Seriously -- I've been trying to go in about 10pm-11pm (sometimes I don't arrive till 11, but sometimes I've been in since 10 and have to leave at 11). I sit in Exile and usually someone takes pity on me and swings over from the Notebook to talk a while.
Is 10-11pm ET too late for you? Too early? Let me know, eh?
-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), July 19, 2000.
heh heh heh, I'm around most nights after 4ish central time. Usually hanging around notebook, sci fi, or the occasional check to see if I'm missing anything in Exile.....peace yo!
-- Drizzt (Silverblue_Eyes@hotmail.com), July 20, 2000.
Ok now we seriously need a reunion party. Somebody pick a dang date so we can get organized , call out the troups and have some fun! Now that I'm done playing web site maker I'll be around more. : )I miss all of you "peoples" and other life forms too!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), July 22, 2000.
Sorry Wash. Been asleep at the switch. [Hee hee]
-- John Walkup (fatuous1024@hotmail.com), July 22, 2000.