Smart media cards : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Is the quality of pictures equualy as good no matter what brand smart media card you use?

-- Arnie Abegg (, July 18, 2000


Yes... digital is digital.

-- Eugene M. Lee (, July 18, 2000.

Yes. Ones and zeros, are ones and zeros no matter what they're stored on. There should be no quality issues.

Most smartmedia cards are manufactured by only two or three sources and rebranded so there really isn't much in the way of variation. (none, so far as I know)

-- Gerald M. Payne (, July 18, 2000.

I agree with the statements above, although a couple of points to say: 1. Brand name can make a difference [Generally, I have had less problems with brand names items vs generic items. 2. Warranty-- some manufacturers only offer a 90 day warranty. Some other companies offer a 1 year or a lifetime warranty. If It dies, they a natural death they will replace it. 3. Power consumption.. Just like some NiMH batteries, the quality of componet will use more or less power when writing to the ATA media card.

-- Thien Miller (, July 31, 2000.

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