Performing : LUSENET : Touch the Flame : One Thread

Do you like to perform? Do you get scared that everyone's going to laugh at you? Do you covet the applause, the laughter, the stress, and everything else that goes with it?

-- Meghan (, July 18, 2000


I have been performing forever. My first vocal performance was when I was 6. I haven't stopped. It's great. I do musicals, sing at church, in weddings, and I love it. I love it all. I don't know why I do. I think I covet the praise. It's like for once, I'm doing this for me.

With theatre, I love to make people react, whether it be laughter, tears, or any other emotion. It's like I made an impact on their life at that very moment. Wow.

-- Piper (, July 19, 2000.

Random fact that like nobody knows about me...I used to perform, to be more specific I used to sing. I used to get scared that everyone would laugh at me ('specially when i first started out). One of these days I'll show you a video of me singing.

-- kelly (, July 26, 2000.

I sing. Constantly.

And I've done several shows too, but not lately. I miss it.

-- Anna (, August 08, 2000.

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