CO: 911 goof slows cops' arrival in killing : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

prevented police from responding immediately to
a deadly domestic-violence situation, and
Greenwood Village authorities want to know why.

"It might have made the difference," police Lt.
Dave Fisher told KCNC-TV Channel 4.

Officers were delayed eight minutes because the
apartment's address did not show up on a police
dispatcher's 911 screen.

Rocky Mountain News

-- spider (, July 18, 2000


911 glitch still stymies officials

A woman placed a 911 call to the Adams County
Communications Center this week to find out
whether her data was correct, director Bill
Malone said. "It came in with a number and
street for a building in the complex that was
about a block and a half from her."

Rocky Mountain News

-- spider (, July 21, 2000.

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