How good is the ATI TV Wonder TV Tuner? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was wondering if this product would work great for making Video CDs. I was also wonding if it can capture a bigger size to make SVCDs. Does it have a MPEG-1 & MPEG-2 cature modes? It uses the same software (Digital VCR) as the All in Wonder the All in Wonder Pro. I already have a dazzle and it works good, but I'm looking for beter quality and I would also like to make SVCDs. Thanks for any help on this.

-- Jay (, July 17, 2000


I found out that I can capture in MPEG-1.

-- Jay (jlink84@yahoo.coom), July 17, 2000.

Hey Jay

ATI is quite good for its price. It can capture MPEG1 and MPEG2 in realtime with decent to good quality, depending on the power of your computer.

As for the size of the capture: it does not support the SVCD size, but it does support full PAL/NTSC modes. In addition, there is a terrific site on the net dedicated to the ATI card, and it has many tricks on how to do things, like capture at SVCD size. The URL is:

Try it. Good luck.

-- Josh (, July 18, 2000.

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