Internet group approves addition of new domain names : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Internet group approves addition of new domain names

July 17, 2000 Web posted at: 12:52 PM EDT (1652 GMT)

YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP) -- The private corporation overseeing changes on the Internet approved the creation Sunday of the first new top-level domain names on the computer network since the 1980s.

The decision, made at a conference in Japan by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, will bring additions to existing Web site suffixes such as ".com" and ".org." But how many more suffixes or how they will be used remains to be worked out.

The resolution, passed unanimously by ICANN's 19-member board, was praised by some as a boon to companies that register and sell the Internet labels.

"It's beautiful. It's a major step," said Steinar Grotterod, of Active ISP, an Internet service provider in Oslo, Norway.

But the move was criticized by some -- including members of the ICANN board itself -- for failing to set clear guidelines for the number of new names to be introduced or how they will be phased into use.

"It leaves too much to be decided later," said Esther Dyson, who chairs ICANN's board.

The addition of new names is aimed at boosting competition among companies that sell and register domains for Web site owners, and giving customers more names and vendors to choose from.

It would also make it easier for Internet users to search the Web for specific topics. Travel agencies, for example, could use a ".travel."

The Internet now has a limited number of suffixes, including ".com", ".mil", ".int", ".gov", ".org", and ".net", in addition to special two-letter codes assigned to countries, such as ".us" for the United States.

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I wonder if they'll allow .doom or .gloom. LOL!

-- Buddy (, July 17, 2000


I hope they approved a .sex domain so all the porn has a place to go and we can filter all the stuff out for our kids without a lot of confusing software to do it with.(and so we adults know where to go) But no I guess they wouldn't do that. What excuse would they have to get regulation and control laws passed if that happened?

-- Just passin through (, July 17, 2000.

With the limited number of extensions currently in use (and their being readily distinguishable), one can fairly often guess the URL of a given site. The new scheme as described, would sacrifice clarity of design, for monetary gain of a relative few.

-- David L (, July 17, 2000.

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