Anyone dealt with : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Well, the subject line says it all. You know, reliability, promptness, etc.

-- Al Tran (, July 16, 2000


I had no problems with them at all. They ship via FedEx and their shipping charges really aren't that much higher than the places that ship regular airmail. I got my stuff within 4-5 days.

-- Nick Paul (, July 17, 2000.

Thanks for all the help!

-- Al Tran (, August 14, 2000.

You may also want to try out They are excellent with the customer service and prompt shipments.

my 2 cents worth...



-- jonathan coombs (, August 18, 2000.

Does sensasian sell good quality vcd with copyright and VCd is original.

-- Kenny.K (, January 28, 2001.

This is the permenant answer to your problem. Cut and paste this link into your browser then bookmark it:-

It reviews rates and mystery shops all of the VCD vendors and ranks them accordingly the rankings are continually amended upon user feedback - book mark it now - it could save loads of hassle when a vcd store becomes too busy or lax to maintain their customer service. If you buy from the top 3 you will never be dissapointed. User feed back is highly regarded and encouraged. If it ain't listed - there is probably a reason. The site is regularly updated.

If Disc Gallery are based in Malaysia then the Adult VCD's they offer are definately illegal as nudity in movies is banned! I could not find where they are based = no address on the site! I would not personally use them.

-- Waynne Smith (, January 28, 2001.

Disc Gallery is definitely a pirated site. They were forced to shut down a while ago for distributing bootlegs. It was in the local Malaysian papers. Now they have re-opened under a different name - Still blatantly peddling their illegal stuff.

-- vcdwatcher (, January 30, 2001.

Yeah about 2 months ago I ordered some movies and to this day they still haven't shown up.

-- maurice jones (, June 13, 2001.

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