Can the A.M.E church be a becon of hope for other oppressed people? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I live in the state of Montana, where we have eight Native American Indian reservations. Native Americans are treated badly in this state. Some of the reservations look like some of our worst projects in urban settings. Montana now ranks no.1 for white supremicists activity in the country, I head a human rights organization that tries to keep these groups out of the state. At present we have 2 A.M.E churches in the state. African-Americans, Native Americans, and Jews are targets for these groups. Groups such as the KKK offer rewards for the "heads" of Native Americans. Our church can be a beacon of hope for other oppressed groups, what do you think?

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2000


I think the AME Church should be a Beacon of Hope to all peoples. It should be the Light of the World. The AME Church is part of the Body of Christ providing hope for all, even the members of the KKK. God Bless

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2000

I agree with Mr. Paris when he says the "A.M.E" church should be the light of the world to all people, including the KKK." When the KKK tried to set up headquarters in my town of Bozeman, Montana six years ago. I was mad! But through prayer I realized that if I returned hatred with hatred, I would become powerless, Jesus commands us to love one another, and love makes us powerful. There are about 50 African-Americans in our town of 30,000. I was so touched when I organized a rally against the KKK, we had a huge turn out from the community saying NO! to the Klan. And so my grass roots organization was started with love. I am loved in my town, and we have been able to deal with other groups such as the Militia. Who have gotten to know me, and consider me a friend, so they have not joined with the KKK. I do pray for the KKK for Jesus says to love your enemy. Please pray for the Native Americans in my state, I would love for there to be an A.M.E church on the reservations, the southern baptists are going to the reservation. Rev. Denise Rogers

-- Anonymous, July 17, 2000

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