Did anyone else get a strange electric bill this month?

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Just curious. My bill has more than doubled for no apparent reason, and there are all sorts of strange charges. I'm with San Diego Gas and Electric.

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), July 16, 2000


There wasn't anything strange on the electricity portion of my bill. I was a bit irritated however that for the first time the sewer charge was more than the water usage charge. I'm with the Los Angeles Dept of Water and Power.

-- Grace (SincerelyGrace@yada.yada), July 16, 2000.

Cin, San Diego and South Orange Counties are currently experiencing electric bills with as much as a 110% increase over the norm. This situation has been widely discussed in the OC Register and the LA Times. According to SDG&E officials it is tied into their purchasing contracts from energy suppliers. I live in Newport Beach and have had no rise in costs. Of course we dont have nor need AC so thats a godsend.

It seems to me that the PUC has started hearings on this matter. In the meantime you dont have many options do you?

-- Ra (tion@l.1), July 16, 2000.

SoCal Edison here (Inland Empire where men are men and sheep are scared)...about 200 bucks because of uncontrolled use of the A/C.

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), July 16, 2000.

I have electric service at my "farm",about 5 miles out from small town I live.Use maybe 300 kwh per year for battery charger,air compressor,saws,etc.Last month's bill from the utility informed me that the monthly minimum charge would go from $9 to $25 per month.Debating on whether the convenience is worth $300/year.

-- Sam (wtrmkr52@aol.com), July 16, 2000.

Wow Ra, perhaps I don't have many options, but I will certianly try to think of something. Those crooks at SDGE. E've had problems with them before.

Bob, 200 and 300 bucks?! That is insane. Thank goodness I have no use for an AC. It really doesn't get that hot here.

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), July 16, 2000.

It really doesn't get that hot here.

...except when the Santa Ana's blow in!

BTW - the situation in San Diego is directly related to the deregulation of the power industry which was *supposed* to lower rates. (Yeah, right!) SDG&E is no longer an energy producer and is simply acting as a power broker. Nevertheless, they just announced that they magically "found" about $34 for each customer that they plan to rebate during the next two months in an attempt to quell the consumer outrage. I think it's going to take more than $34...Watch for this to become a Big Issue in the upcoming mayoral elections.

-- LunaC (StayCool@Beach.com), July 16, 2000.

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