Remember me old : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hello precious friends - Have missed seeing anyone in here on the occasions that I am here. Any of you'all live in or near Nth Carolina or Utah? Maybe moving there soon. Anyway please write back and tell me how you are doing. GOC, Lehave, Gobbles, Laighe, Editrix, Wash, Sunflower - and all you that I do tresure - Shelby , Katya Where are yee all. Well time to go - Love and Light to you allLove Joseerose
-- Joseerose (, July 15, 2000
It's so great to hear from you again! You need to fill me in on what you've been up to lately. I live in Texas - that's not so very far away from either Utah or North Carolina... I'm so sorry I missed seeing you this time. Be sure to come back soon so we can play catch up!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 16, 2000.
Josee your e-mail address bounced back to me at Excite. Thought you'd like to know.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 17, 2000.
Hiya Jose!What would be bring you to live in Utah or North Carolina? Im in Chicago.......pretty far from both.
-- Shel (, July 17, 2000.
Hey SUNshine, Love to you & Jean, oh i wonder how big she is. Miss you dearly, just read the exile board. I hope 2 stay in touch with u 4 a long long time. Just when i decided to move to Australia u tell me ur moving to Utah or n/s Carolina. And if it was anybody else you could convince him/her it's a coicidence, but i know better sis. You're hiding from me AGAIN. So i don't come & spoil your dresses & steal your dates (WINK)...Ouch don't spank me there & especially when Jean & every1 else is watching. Well kiss her for me, i think if you move to the US, we might very well meet someday :) Take care sis, i wish u a splendid magical SUMmer (oops i 4got..its winter a magical WINter! (goal__) Jas~!
-- Jazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (, August 07, 2000.