Looking for Frankie's House(Tim Page Movie)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I am looking to buy a copy of Frankie's House, The Austrailian/UK movie about Tim Page and other Vietnam photojournalists. I can't find it anywhere. I saw it once on the History Channel and thought it was a good movie. Does any one know of any other good PJ movies?

e mail me at pwgphoto@worldnet.att.net


-- Paul W. Gillespie (pwgphoto@worldnet.att.net), July 14, 2000


I called the Australian Broadcasting Company (who made it), and they can't even create a copy. They say they have the original master, but were unwilling/unable to create a tape. I have the edited History channel version on tape, am willing to make a copy for you. Just mail me a blank tape. I thought it was the best movie I've ever seen. Please advise via direct e-mail. Unlikely that i'll come back here. I'm searching for an unedited version, happened across this page.

-- James D. Buskirk (jbuskirk@home.com), November 02, 2000.

There are two fictional films based around actual events about photojournalists that are worth a look, 'Underfire' (1983) with Nick Nolte and 'Salvador' (1986) starring James Wood with John Savage playing a photojournalist. There is a documentary by David Bradbury called 'Frontline'. GREAT doco on the life of Australian cameraman Neil Davis. Do not miss this film.

-- David Dare Parker (ddpphoto@ozemail.com.au), November 06, 2000.

This is a little off topic, but if you're interested in Sean Flynn, Tim Page, and other shooters of the Vietnam War, my play, "Waiting on Sean Flynn" is opening at the Tampa Performing Arts Center, Tampa, FL, on April 6th this year. The play is set during the Fall of Saigon in 1975, and Flynn is a character who appears in flashbacks. The play has been done in Chicago and Portland, and Page served as a technical advisor on the script. Unfortunately, "Waiting on Sean Flynn" isn't yet published, nor is it available on tape. Maybe eventually. For more info, check out http://www.tampacenter.com/upcoming/shows/sean_flynn/sean_flynn.html

Steve Patterson Artistic Director Pavement Productions

-- Steve Patterson (splatterson@mindspring.com), February 23, 2001.

It took me almost 5 years to track down a copy of this movie, but I finally did. Check out www.allaboutmovies.com.au

They sent me an excellent used copy in PAL (make sure that your VCR can take it).

Hope this helps!

-- Kevin Unger (ungers@netvision.net.il), February 28, 2001.

I have a VHS copy of Frankie's House if you are still looking.

-- Alex Abplanalp (alex_abplanalp@carat.com.hk), May 22, 2001.

This isn't an answer, but just another person trying to find a copy of Frankie's House. It was at one time briefly available from the A&E channel store (they were involved with it's production) in NTSC on VHS.

I'd be willing to buy a good condition copy of this in NTSC video on VHS, LaserDisk, or DVD if anyone has one available and the price is reasonable. (I only know of the VHS release, but...)



-- Thomas Losh (manager@tech-center.com), May 26, 2001.

I am looking for a copy of Frankie's House as well. Let me know if anyone is willing to sell or make a copy.


Jason Willey

-- Jason Willey (Jaman777@netscape.net), November 14, 2003.

I can make u a copy. I can't make a tape (only one vcr) but I can make you a dvd of it. I'll make it on dvd-r, and we can hope it plays on your player. I've only made a few dvd's and cannot guarantee compatability. Dvd-rw's don't seem to play anywhere except my dvd player. Send me a personal email.

-- James D. Buskirk (james@buskirk.org), November 21, 2003.

I would also like information on a copy of Frankie's House in VHS or DVD format. I can't seem to find a copy of it on any movie site.



-- Cole Brash (cole_brash@yahoo.com), December 26, 2003.

Me too. Give me an e-mail if anyone can help, i'd be well chuffed.

-- Luke Traylen (luke@prontomail.com), March 01, 2004.

Can anyone tell me what happens during the last hour of this movie and how it ends? I'm trying to figure out if I've seen it before and haven't found much online that helps. Is there a scene involving jumping over or scaling down a waterfall?


-- Scott H. (jsh13@excite.com), March 08, 2004.

You can get a VHS copy of Frankie's House from: VCI Distribution, 36 Caxton Way, Watford, Herts WD1 8UF. England

-- Karl Risely (Karlrisely@tiscali.co.uk), July 22, 2004.

Hey - I am Tim's assistant here in Australia, thought you might like to know that you can purchase Frankies House through amazon UK. go to www.imdb.com (internet movie database) and search under Frankies House. Follow the 'buy' links on the left.. they are used copies. You can also probably find some other listings of PJ movies of interest.

Tim's website is www.timpageimage.com.au


-- Emma Naidoo (emma@dragonflypathways.com.au), July 29, 2004.

Can anyone make me a copy of "Frontline: Neil Davis" ? Or is there anywhere I can buy a copy? I'm in Atlanta.




-- Vin Staniforth (vinstaniforth@comcast.net), November 23, 2004.

If you're looking for "Frontline" try Ronin Films, Australia - www.roninfilms.com.au

however I think they only ship to Australia

If you're outside Australia, I can help - I have the movie and can make a VCD copy - you would have to send me payment by mail to Australia first - contact me for more information

-- Carts (cartsvietnam@yahoo.com), February 14, 2005.

If you're looking for Sean Flynn movies, check ebay - I just found 3 - Son of Captain Blood, Stop Train 349, and Mission to Venice.

Also read "Inherited Risk" about Errol and Sean.

-- Ian Carter, Saigon (cartsvietnam@yahoo.com), March 15, 2005.

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