Episcopal Supervisors

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Since the position of Episcopal Supervisor traditionally is occupied by the wife of the Bishop, how does this change the complexion of things now that we have a female Bishop? I am aware that one of the primary functions is to oversee the Women's Missionary Society. (According to the by-laws, men can be members of the Society, but can't vote or hold office.) Does Mr. McKenzie become the supervisor, simply because he is the spouse of the Bishop? Hoow will this be handled?

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000


You raise interesting points. Yes, tradition bears strongly on the assignment, but it is not law. When Bishop Pruitt, who was divorced at the time, was assigned to texas, he asked his sister, Mildred Lofton, to serve as episcopal supervisor.

One of the legislative issues at GenCon dealt with de-genderizing the Missionary Society. I believe we will see more of a move in this drection at the next conference.

It would seem without question that Mr. McKenzie would be the Supervisor if tradition is followed. It certainly makes for an interesting dynamic. We shall observe Bishop McKenzie's response with interest.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2000

I think the election of 2000 speaks for most of us, we are ready to move to the next level of Kingdom building. It would be refreshing to have a male serve as Episcopal Supervisor, It took more than a century to elect a Female Bishop, lets not waist another debating if a male can serve. Does Mr. McKenzie become the Supervisor simply because he is the spouse of the Bishop, Yes, hasn't every other spouse. If not, it should be a decision made by Bishop McKenzie and her Husband not the Church. He was smart enough to see he had a Beautiful and intelligent Jewel when he married her, I am sure being the Episcopal Supervisor will be no more challenging for him, as she serving on the Bench with a Leadership of Men who felt the Episcopacy was reserved for MEN ONLY for MEN Only.

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2000

No that one "stained glass ceiling" has been broken, maybe it's time for another one - eliminating the "Women's" from the Missionary Society.

Women have for some time enjoyed the RIGHT to serve in all offices of the church - not so for the men! In this respect, we have remained as second class citizens.

Of course, my tongue is partly in cheek as I say this. I don't think men are really knocking very hard at the WMS doors, but maybe it is time to at least change the laws so that the rights and privileges are available.

RE Episcopal Supervisor, when Bishop Hildebrand was in the 3rd, his wife (now former wife) did not reside with him and I think he served as Episcopal Supervisor himself; though he may have appointed someone to handle the routine tasks.

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2000

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