mpg files - are they vcd ready? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I have a few Mpeg files, pop viedoes and stuff. How do I burn them onto a disk to help it play on a DVD player?

Do I burn 1 mpg file per disk 'normally' or could I burn more than one and each one be recognised as a different track.


-- Sam Tennant (, July 12, 2000


Q. I have a few Mpeg files, pop viedoes and stuff. How do I burn them onto a disk to help it play on a DVD player?

A. VCD compliant mpeg clip, burning, and playing it on a home DVD player are three totally different issues!

1. Find out whether or not the mpg files are VCD compliant. Most likely your mpg files are not ready for VCD authoring process. Open them up with window media player and use the properties option in the FILE menu to check for frame size, video/audio bitrates, frame rate, etc. VCD parameters are

video bitrate = 1120Kb/s to 1150Kb/s using mpeg1 format.

audio bitrate = 224Kb/s sampling at 44.1KHz in 16bit stereo using mpeg1 layer 2 format.

video frame rate = 29.97fps for NTSC video or 25fps for PAL video.

video frame size = 352 x 240 for NTSC video or 352 x 288 for PAL video.

If none of these matched, then the clip is not VCD ready. See #2 for further information.

2. You need to obtain a "VCD AUTHOR" software to burn them. EZ CD Creator Deluxe, Nero, NTI, or Cequadrat Video Pak 4 are the most common softwares you will need to burn the mpg files to the CD to create a VCD disc. You can create none-standard VCD disc if your mpeg clip do not meet the standards in #1; However, you will need to manipulate the mpg files with more softwares such as panasonic, Xing, BBMPeg, TMPEGEnc, IfilmEdit, or VCD Cutter. Manipulation depends greatly on what is none-standard with your mpg files.

3. Find out whether or not your DVD player will support CD-R/CD-RW.

Q. Do I burn 1 mpg file per disk 'normally' or could I burn more than one and each one be recognised as a different track.

A. You can burn as many mpg files as you like into a VCD disc, as long as they can all fit into the file size limit of the CD. You can check your file size limitation by highlighting all the mpg files and right click on the mouse to access the properties option. The file size limitation is 748Mb. The "VCD AUTHOR" software will guide you through the rest of the VCD authoring process. Afterwhich, your DVD player will play them back as individual track.

-- lnguyen (, July 13, 2000.

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