Question for : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Are you also posting as Friday(
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), July 11, 2000
-- Friday (, July 11, 2000.
You mean in addition to anon@anon.anon?
-- (We', July 11, 2000.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a temper.
Could I ask WHY you are posting under another handle? You're not schizophrenic, are you?
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), July 11, 2000.
WHY?Because I feel like it. Got a problem with it? From de-bunkers, I have several names that should have given even the dumbest clues and my IP address was the same on all of them. NEXT??
-- cpr (, July 11, 2000.
Not to mention Mystery Guest and the Shadow, among others. How does he keep track? What a mind, to be able to keep track.
-- Wow (what@mind.nit), July 11, 2000.
MS' "Intellisense".This should also tell you how very much I'm interested in the opinions of most of the remaining Doom-a-Zoids and fellow travellers here.
I'd tell you to "have a nice life" but you'd have to get one first and its obvious that's not going to happen.
-- cpr (, July 11, 2000.
>> I have several names <<Don't forget "I am that I am".
-- Brian McLaughlin (, July 11, 2000.
Q: Why is CPR posting under many names?A: That's easy: To make it appear that someone agrees with him. Otherwise, it would be easier to tell that he is all alone in his adoration of himself.
-- truth teller (truth@teller.x), July 11, 2000.
I hardly need nor would I welcome adoration from your sort. AFTER ALL:I love myself, I think I'm grand.
When I go to the movies, I hold my hand.
I was 37 before I understood what that meant. Most people resent anyone with equal talent. It should go without saying that many despise anyone with superior talent.
Anthony Robbins makes a fortune showing people how to discover their own net worth and it usually is far above even what most individuals parents and immediate friends and family tell them it is.
-- cpr (, July 11, 2000.
Creep... lets face it, you're no popular on this board than I am, so why don't you get your sorry ass out of here?
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 11, 2000.
This is no popularity contest. The petty bickering on this board going on now about "moving on," and these current ego battles, are just so much irrelevant garbage, in the broader view of what happened with respect to Y2k. CPR and cohorts are appreciated by some, in ways it appears you'll never understand.
-- Debbie (, July 11, 2000.
Debbie -- indeed, cpr and cohorts are indeed appreciated by some, including me. But I'd really wish they'd turn the volume down on the bickering a little.
-- E.H. Porter (Just, July 11, 2000.
K. Deb... whatever you say.CPR was right and everyone else was wrong... yadda, yadda, yadda.
He was even right back in 1996... well, almost.
Instead of encouraging him, why don't both of you move on?
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 11, 2000.
Jerk Offs. We moved on in 1998 and 1999. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Now we are showing you how you delude yourselves and you just have to know,,,,,,,,its a lot of fun after the hatred most of the Doomers SPEWED on ANYONE who opposed them.TO THE VICTORS..........BELONG THE SPOILS. (err......that be you.)
-- cpr (, July 11, 2000.
This is no popularity contest. The petty bickering on this board going on now about "moving on," and these current ego battles, are just so much irrelevant garbage, in the broader view of what happened with respect to Y2k. CPR and cohorts are appreciated by some, in ways it appears you'll never understand.
-- Debbie (, July 11, 2000.
Debbie, Drag your head out of wherer ever it is.... creep and friends are are going way overboard with their " I was right and you were wrong" bullshit... If they were right, why was all of the rest of the world wrong?... and don't give me the CPR crap about FUD... there was a reason why there were so many $ spent on Y2k, and creeper hasn't showed it yet.
-- Netghost (ng@no.yr), July 12, 2000.
Don't forget "Reality Checker", "Archivist", "Buff E. Sleigher"...and a cast of thousands. AND, I will DENY that it's HYPOCRITICAL for me to call YOU ZOMBIE MORONS for posting anonymously and changing handles. DO WHAT I SAY NOT WHAT I DO ASSHOLE! I HAVE SPOKEN!!
-- cpr (, July 12, 2000.
Between Tony Robbins & Ken Roberts there ain't much left to teach CEEP. Makes it tough for him to fit in elsewhere. Think about it. Could any of you ever REALLY fit in with Tony Robbins? Not me.
-- Carlos (, July 12, 2000.
Hmmmm.... Now I see that I have picked up a bad habit, of stating my case by making someone else wrong, when *I* am the one who insists we should all quit reducing everything to the level of right/wrong. Rather hypocritical of me I suppose, yes. But face it, Netghost, some of the provocative things you say just ARE irresistible bait, as you surely are aware of. So try and forgive me for rising to the bait, since I was just being myself.:-)Oh and I never thought of having any such effect, but if my "flattery" of CPR "causes" a whole nuther round of ego headbutts, why, it will be a pleasure to watch, and I'll come back the following week just to stir the pot again. :-) Next time it'll be Doc, then Cherri, then... well you get the picture. Y'see, I was fully intending to move on, but you're just kinda making it impossible over here.
Ok, seriously, I will try and answer.
there was a reason why there were so many $ spent on Y2k, and creeper hasn't showed it yet.
I'm not getting that 'creeper' hasn't showed it yet. A lot of money WAS spent. Whether all needed to BE spent, I don't know. Too, "a lot of money" is relative. It's still a very small part of total expenditures, for any given company. Y2k was a real problem that needed to be addressed. Was the needed remediation played up by consultants? No doubt by some.
don't give me the CPR crap about FUD.
As I see it, I have to. In what way do you think it is crap?- I am confused by that statement. Y2k remediation had extremely bad PR from the beginning, before TimeBomb was even a gleam in Yourdon's eye, or North's eye for that matter, when it was being pushed by consultants, but that is where North got HIS material. This down the line had consequences in the FUD we all know about.
Your point is well taken, though, about Y2k not being *all* FUD. Y2k was a real problem, on which real money was spent, so that is part of what gave it its power, as I see it. Absolute hoaxes wither away easily. Things that are true but misperceived and misrepresented, are quite another thing. Y2k with its terrific PR problem was that in spades. I hope I addressed your question.
-- Debbie (, July 12, 2000.
Ms. Debbie, Maam, Thank you. It obvious that no matter what one cites to demonstrate that Y2k FUD was not part of the computer problem but a creation by a lot of 2 bit Hustlers; it is to no avail.EXCEPT..........every single last one of the efforts to "counter" the arguments of the non-doomers and De-bunkers comes up witn NOTHING but a bunch of LAME EXCUSES, generalizations, rationalizations and "BS Cubed".
That is very nice because it proves the Anti-Doom Zombie case. The only thing thats been missing for the last few weeks was the word for word statement "better safe than sorry". Someone even dragged up the "insurance gambit" again. Sorry but "safe" driving does not require a HumVee or a tank and Comet insurance would be looked at rather closely by any State Insurance Regulatory Board.
-- cpr (, July 12, 2000.