What do you want that you can't have?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Everyone wants something. What are you longing for? (Besides better grammar from your web mistress.) Will you ever get it? Have you had to give up? How do you cope?
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
A pony. I want a pony. A Small Mongolian Pony. Named Edmund.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I wish I could turn back time, and not behave like an insecure jerk intermittently over the last decade, with a friend I'm dearly fond of who has now left the country, possibly for good. No. Yes. Rather poorly.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
- Sony digital camera
- sewing machine
- motorcycle
- backyard - or any yard for that matter
- quiet upstairs neighbors - I've once again gotten ones with brickso on their feet.
- #1 quit my job and live a life of travel, social engagements, and otherwise enjoyable activities that don't involve a boss....
- I'd really kinda like someone to do the aforementioned one with, but that's just gravy really.
I did have to give up something very important to me. While I thought I couldn't live without it, I've managed. It isn't the same by any stretch, but I get by just fine. Having it back now would seem weird.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I wanna Humvee. That's not too much, right? $80,000 for a big, traveling sign that says, I'm worth money, steal me now...I'll settle for a big, honkin' van for a third that much (or less). But it'll never be a Humvee. I know that some day I'll get stuck in the snow, and I'll think, "This wouldn't be a problem if we had four- wheel drive..."
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I am neither kidding nor exaggerating when I say that more than anything else in the world right now, I want a tuba.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I'm with Beth here. I want a puppy. Or a dog, doesn't matter to me. I've wanted once since I was five. I'm 17 now. My dad is allergic to dogs and cats, so thats the end of that idea. I volunteer at the local animal shelter, so I regularily fall in love with dogs (and cats) that I can't have. Oh well, when I get a house of my own, thats one of the first things I am going to get
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I just wrote about this.I want a baby grand piano.
OK. I really want a house with a conservatory to put the baby grand piano in, but I am trying to think more realistically these days.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I want to spend all of my time working on my writing (and of course, living stuff to write about).If that fails (which it has so far), I want to try to be a freelancer or something where I can charge ridiculous amounts of money to work a few days a month and have enough to scrape by on (though probably not too well) and still have the time for my writing.
If that fails I want to at least live in a city where I can get a decent tech job without being a C++ programmer or having 5 years of ORACLE experience. A city that doesn't close down at ten p.m. every night. A city with a decent amount of other 20something single intelligent people who actually go out and do stuff.
That's why I'm probably moving to Seattle.
But I really, really want a dog.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
An indoor/outdoor pool. Enough said.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
A pair of shoes that are both fashionable and comfortable for walking long distances.That and a stylish - yet easy to care for - haircut.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Trixie - That haircut you're looking for is a traditional bob... (at least I think that's how you spell it.) All one length, short. I don't even dry mine all the way before I go to work.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
A boyfriend. One that wants a girlFRIEND, not merely an accessory. One that can make me laugh. One that can melt my knees with a single look.I don't know if that's really hopeless, but the outlook has seemed rather grim lately.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
A litter box my dog can't get into, an electric can opener and a microwave. And, most importantly, a car with airconditioning.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Oh, I want so many things!:That's not too much to ask, is it?
- a bestseller or a novel of extreme literary value, thereby giving me a name in literary world
- a CAT! I can't have one where I live now, and it's been the most miserable three years living sans feline company!!!
- a beautiful home I own with lots and lots of garden space
- the time to landscape the above-mentioned garden
- funding for the above - AMPLE funding
- a better car (a jaguar?)
- the love of my life
- travel money, travel time, travel happening for me!
- sex - more often than I have it now
- a spiffy new computer, complete with one of those multi-function printer/ scanner/fax/copier things
- a digital camera
- more good female friends out here
- a healthier body/lifestyle/etc (the one thing I can really do anything about, and I am working on it)
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
A digital camera. I'm trying to convince people that it is an essential Baby Need, but I don't think they're going for it...I was longing for a mini-van (yeah, i know...) and since we'll have one more child, we pretty much need one. I'm still longing, but we're almost there.
A finished house. Failing that, bedroom walls, complete with a door that locks from the inside.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I'm not sure if they really exist, but Stee's Finger Monkey looked really cool!!
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Season tickets to the Dallas Stars. I would sell my soul or my daughter for them. They're very expensive, and I just can't justify spending almost $3,000 for hockey tickets. My beloved has promised to take me to at least one game a month, so I'll be happy with that.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
Thoreau said he judged a thing by what he had to give up to have it.I realize I don't want anything.
I'm like Henry Chinaski, in Barfly. There are so many things I don't want to do/be, so many places I don't want to go/live.
I'd like more time to write, but when I consider what I would have to do, to get it, I am satisfied with the time I have, since I am able to write as I please. As I would not be able to if I wrote for money.
I work to pay the bills. My job leaves me time to write. If I lose my job, I'll find another job.
I wouldn't want to turn writing into work. I would put writing off, as I put work off.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I really, really want a Mercedes SLK, a sportbike, and a job traveling for a jewelry distributor. I wish I just wanted a puppy!
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
David said: If that fails (which it has so far), I want to try to be a freelancer or something where I can charge ridiculous amounts of money to work a few days a month and have enough to scrape by on (though probably not too well) and still have the time for my writing.The only freelancers who do that are freelance drug dealers.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I want to be a freelance drug dealer.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I want a house and a nice boyfriend.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I can't even remember what I was thinking when I clicked the forum topic. As I went down the replies, I kept saying "Ooohh, that's what I want!"I want a house
And I want a grand piano
And I really, really want a finger monkey
Some days I want a baby
And I want a PT CruiserActually, right now I'd settle for some Cheetos.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I have been thinking about this for a while now. I have just about all of the materialistic things that I could possibly want, I have a great home and a perfect job that I love. But the one thing that I want more than anything is a significant other to share my life with. I hope to find someone who would love me for who I am and not for what he thinks I could be. I want someone who would be there to support me (emotionally, of course) and make me laugh. I suppose this isn't impossible to have but I certainly wish it was easier to acquire.
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
To make a lot of money so (a) I never have to worry or put up with someone's shit for financial survival (b) be able to buy things without constantly thinking how I shouldn't/can't, and (c) to throw it in the faces of everyone who said I'll end up with a permanent fast food career.To have my own island and castle.
To have a life in which I have opportunities to get dressed up often. I LOVE dressy dresses, and my mother always said "Where are you going to wear that? You have nowhere to wear that. You don't need anything fancy where we life and with the life we have." (Can you tell I just came back from gazing at beautiful expensive dresses today?)
To have parents who don't freak out and get insulted and scream their heads off almost all the time. For that matter, have my dad no longer be handicapped/losing his mind..
And the ultimate pathetic one, I want my ex-boyfriend back. It was the best relationship I ever had, until I drove him nuts, and it'd take an act of God to get him back as a boyfriend now. I've obviously had to give this one up.
How do you cope? All I can say is, you eventually get used to not having what you want, and even more eventually you're so used to not having it that you stop wanting it.
I'm still waiting for the last one to kick in, though (and it's been long enough, too).
-- Anonymous, July 11, 2000
I'd like to time travel and meet some of my favorite authors. Obviously that'll never happen, but oh, sometimes it brings tears to my eyes to think it's not possible.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I want a puppy or a kitten - something soft and furry and affectionate, but I can't have one because Tristan is too hayfeverish, and we live in an upstairs flat, so boo. I also want a little blue iBook, but I can't afford one. And I want a horse, but I won't be able to get one until we move from the UK, and that won't be for ages.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
Another dog! (See dog forum). But Dad doesn't want one so we can't get one (bastard). So, failing that, I'll settle for a complete absence of health problems.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
Hmm, then maybe a bastard dog would do the trick for Dad? (Oh come on, like you didn't see that one coming from a mile away...)Anyway, I used to be like Jim Morrison, wanting the world and preferably right now. But since that particular desire didn't do him that much good, I decided to set my standards a little lower. Here's my wish-list:
An action figure of Animal from the Muppet Show, to sit on top of my computer.
The two Jann Arden albums released after 'Living Under June'. I can't find 'em anywhere in this godforsaken part of the world!
On a more serious note: a complete and worldwide ban on all fighting dogs - pitbulls and the like - before yet another innocent toddler is ripped to shreds by these monsters. Into the mincer, now!
A hamster, as soon as I find out what hamming is and what action, if any, I should take once the animal starts doing it.
But all that can wait, as today I found an mp3 file of a song I've been dying to get a hold of for the past 13 years. Now I can play the theme song to the legendary "It's Garry Shandling's Show" whenever the hell I want to, hah!
(It's only a 97Kb file, not much bigger than your average Word document. If any of you want a copy, just let me now at the address below.)
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I'd love to find a woman in the DC-Metro area who won't back away, eyes darting furiously, when I admit that I'm a sportswriter/editor type instead of a political wonk. This is Washington, though, so that's probably a lot to ask.I really, really, really want a dog, but my hours are so crazy that I can't justify it right now. At least my mom and dad live fairly nearby, so I go home every now and then to play with the family bassett hound and get my fix that way.
And right now, I'm longing for a bagel. Or something breakfast-y. I'm thinking that maybe that extra 10 minutes of sleep wasn't worth skipping breakfast for ... noon seems a long way away.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I want to work in Maine, north of Portland. I've wanted it since I went to law school, and every year it seems like more and more of an impossibility.And also, of course, a finger monkey like Stee. Or I'd settle for a sock monkey like Rob has. It must absolutely, however, be a monkey of some sort.
Oh -- and an Advil. Right now.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
Joy,I actually have a few friends who live like that. One of the keys is living really low on the food chain. The other is doingsomething that allows you to get paid ridiculous amounts of money for a day or two worth of work.
I have a good friend who is a wedding photgrapher. He works 20-30 days a year and makes as much as I do at my full-time, 40 hour a week, 50 week a year job. Problem is, instead of doing something useful or creative with all of his free time, he spends ALL of it sitting on AOL trying to pick up teenage girls.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
A raiseA computer
A bigger apartment
Another cat
A bike
A driver's license
A car
A vacation
I can live without all of those right now, but they'd be nice.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I forgot one...A really, really, really fast motabolism so I can eat whatever I want and no matter what, be a svelt 108.
I wanna be a lean, mean, sexy machine...
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
A trillion dollars, and one of those ultra-fast metabolism thingies like Grace.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
Another room in my apartment. (Why, yes, I DO live in Manhattan! How'd you guess?)
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I want to become good friends with a freelance drug dealer, that delivers.Also, I would like Viper.
But really- I don't need the Viper.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
- Another cat (we have two already and my partner says that three is too many)
- A sex drive
- A huge house and yard away from other people
- Either a job I love, or not have to work any more
- To lose 100 pounds
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
To, just once, be the most important thing in someone's life. My mom had that, when my dad was alive. My sister has it now. I never have.
Don't think it's gonna happen. I'm dealing with it.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I really, really, really want to quit my FUCKING job.Em, excuse me. I'm at least 7 months away from that dream.
If I can't have that, I would like some sleep. Or maybe just one of those super fast metobolism thingies everyone else is getting.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
A NYC appartment with a parking space for my car. A reliable, able and willing boyfriend would be awesome - but I would be most thrilled with the appartment.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I want to get my new house wired so that I can listen to music from my stereo OR my computer in any room of the house. And I want the wires inside the walls so they're not all unsightly like that.I want a digital camera.
I want built-in wall to wall bookshelves in my living room.
I want to travel. I haven't taken one freaking vacation in five years and this makes me sad. Visiting family doesn't count.
I want one of those new electric hybrid cars, either the Honda one or the Toyota one.
I want to be able to afford to go out to eat at least once a week at a great restaurant.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
-An airline/train/bus ticket to go see my boyfriend -a marine fish tank -more sleep (in that order)
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I'd love a job in Seattle so I could live with my boyfriend... long distance thing is killing me...Oh, and I want one of those new Pocket PCs.
-- Anonymous, July 12, 2000
I want enough money to finish my husband surgery enough money to try to have a baby a house I would like a puppy too I would also like to be debt-free :)
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2000
At least I got one thing I wanted - my husband and his friend built wall to wall built in bookcases in our living room last weekend. They're great.
-- Anonymous, July 13, 2000
I want to stop wanting.
-- Anonymous, July 14, 2000
i want to quit my job and go to my true vocation: being a pimp.
-- Anonymous, July 15, 2000
I don't wanna sound like Ally McBeal today, so I'll say ... a full- time university teaching job, a comfortable armchair (I'm tired of reading on my bed), and Rob Rummel-Hudson's forum back.
-- Anonymous, July 20, 2000
I want a boyfriend. I want to be debt-free. I want a job that will pay for an apartment. I want a new spinning wheel (or two). I want the people I like to like me. I want a doumbek. I want to get a degree. I want to stay in touch with everyone who matters to me. I want DSL. I want the parquet floors from Catherine's Palace. I want to go back to Russia. I want to see more of the world.I'm still hoping for some of those (and if I got the job part done, the material goods would become attainable). A few I never really hoped to achieve. I've had to give up a few of them, and it makes me very sad. Try, determine futility, give up, move on. Such is life.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2000
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2000