The Tales of Fyre: Chapter Two : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

The Tales of Fyre

Chapter Two

My loss of KzKrynn was only the beginning of my problems, which, in time, lead me to many interesting journies. The attack on the village had left it a shattered ruin, with barely any survivors, save myself and several others. They decided to stay there and try to rebuild, but I craved venegance. I vowed on my blood to avenge the death of KzKrynn and make the ones who slaughtered him pay. The villagers thought me mad, and one even dared to try to stop me.

Stop, you fool! You cannot hope to strike at the hordes of the Daroks! To do so would be to bring about your own death!

I will not let the ones who slew KzKrynn go free. Woe to any who dare stand in my way.

You are mad!

Perhaps. But mad or no, KzKrynn will be avenged.

How?!! One single person against the Daroks?! Its lunacy! Even if you could find their hideout, you would not survive long enough!

I will not strike alone. I will-

Who will you stand by in battle?! The mighty armies of the Durahans are gone! They are the only ones mighty enough to defeat the Daroks!

You forget the Phoenixes.

They will not listen to you! They do not listen to anyone!

I will find a way.

One of the villagers, the mans wife, touched his shoulder. She said, Do not argue, Torrin. If he wants to go, let him go.

He will bring about the death of us all!

Nonsense. There is no harm in letting him try. After all, he tried to defend the village against the Daroks. Where were you when they struck?


Let him go on his way.

......Very well. You may go, Fyre, but I warn you, if you ever bring any harm to this village, it will be the last thing you do.

With that, I walked in to what was left of my hut, and changed into an outfit more suited for traveling. 10 minutes later, I walked out, wearing brownish baggy pants, leather boots, a dark blue shirt made of Viralenian wool, and a cape made of a Tigers fur. Slung around my shoulder was my sword. I carried a small pouch at my left, which contained some items I may find useful on my journey: food, magical rocks, some money, a knife, some herbs, and a LifeStone. The LifeStones were items each person of my tribe owned. They allowed one to speak to another, with acknoledgement of what both were saying, even if they spoke different languages. It also helped locate streams of water, and heal some minor wounds, hence the name LifeStone, for in a way, it restored life, to a degree. I walked towards the gates, thinking of how I would avenge KzKrynn. As I walked, I saw the burned-down huts, some still on fire, that I used to visit and play in when I was a child. The once proud Main Hall was reduced to ashes. Even the Fountain of the Garuda has been plucked of its gems, and the statue knocked over. I went over to the statue, bent over, and placed it back on the fountain. Out loud, I said, Please help us, mighty Garuda, for this is our time of need. I sat for a moment, wishing on how this attack had never happened. Then I remembered that I was only wasting my time with a statue, and nothing more. Had I turned around as I walked up to the gates, I would have seen a faint twinkle in the eyes of the Garudas statue. Walking on, I remembered KzKrynn and I, standing there, watching the hordes approach, not knowing what would happen next, who would live or die. The look on his face, bold and daring. If only we knew a day before of the attack...but it was too late. What has been done is done. The past cannot be changed. But I thought I could write the future in blood. Darok blood. I was young then, and violence was the only solution I knew of. I have grown much since that time.

I walked out of the gates and looked to the mountains. That is where the Phoenixes live, that is where I must go first. I would have to go straight through the forest of Acheron, and down the Plains of the Garuda. It would be a long journey, one that would take around a week. But it must be done. For KzKrynn, for honor, and for all others that may be attacked by the evil Daroks. I looked to the skies. Much time had passes since I was unconscious, for the stars were starting to appear, like raindrops in a puddle. I decided to walk a little farther, and then set up a camp for the night. Later on, after about an hour or so, I stopped. It was too dark to go any further. I would have to go on tomorrow. First, I placed five of the rocks from my pouch on the ground, in a shape that if lines were drawn, would form a pentagon. I spoke the words: Vashi El-Kanur, and a fire sprouted from the center of the formation. Now that I had light to see, I built a small wall of sticks which I found nearby, and leaned it against a short, thick branch, so it would stay up. I layed down, and fell asleep. I awoke the next morning to see that I was about a half-mile away from the Forest of Acheron. I put out the fire with the words Runak-Le Ihsav, picked up the rocks, and went onwards. It didnt take long to reach the forests. I doubt ones such as these exist anymore, so I will try to tell you how they appeared: Imagine trees around you. Everywhere. So many trees, you could not see twenty feet in front of you, for there would be a tree in the way. These trees reached up to a quarter-mile in the air, and ranged in their trunks width from 2 feet to 6 feet. There were some paths, but not many, and only big enough for one person. I found a path, and kept going on. About ten minutes into the forest, I heard a sound behind me. It sounded like a twig napping. I quickly turned around, to see nothing there. I put the LifeStone around my neck (it had a necklace tied to it), and went onwards. I heard the sound again, only slightly louder. I kept going on, pretending not to hear it. I heard it again, except the sound of two twigs snapping. I thought that whoever was following me must be very clumsy. I suddenly jumped into the trees at my right, practically disapprearing into them. I ducked down, so that I could not be seen, but I could not see anything. I would have to use my elfin hearing to see the stalker. I waited silently, for what would seem to be hours. I was starting to think the follower had left, until I heard the soft little padding of feet quickly walking along the ground. I waited until the sound went right in front of me, then I jumped out and grabbed the person by the arm. She shrieked and tried to jump away, and ended up kicking me in the face several times before I let go. Then I saw what she looked like. She seemed to be my height, yet was not an elf. I had never seen this type of creature before. She had the face of an elf, but with rounded ears. She had blond hair with two little silvery rounded horns poking out. She wore a blue shirt with blue tights, which was covered by metallic armor. She also wore blue gloves. (For a picture of a Janne, go to scroll down and you will see one)Who are you, and why were you following me?, I said.

Me following you?! Youre the one who practically invited yourself into my home! I thought you were a Darok warrior who was separated from the hordes. But apparently, you are not. Why did you jump out and grab me?!

My apologies. It would seem as though there has been a misunderstanding. I am no Darok warrior. I am Fyre, a member of what is left of the VizJeri tribe.

The VizJeri!!.....My sincerest apologies, great one! Please forgive me!

She then kneeled down, and bowed before me.

Why are you bowing?

Her face, still looking to the ground, said,

Please forgive me, great one! I am so very sorry!

Stand up! Why are you doing that? And who are you? I am Janne, a Pixie defender of the Plains of the Garuda.

A Pixie? What is that? And why are you here?

You do not know....? We Pixies are, what others would call, a monster.

A monster..? How could you be a monster? You look almost like I do....

Yes, it is a likeness all we Pixies share. We look very much like your race, yet with a few alterations. As for why I am here, I was startled by the sight of a huge group of Darok warriors advancing through the plains. I am a defender there, so of course, I followed them. After a short while, the Daroks were approached by fifteen of the other defenders, demanding why they were there. Without warning, the Daroks attacked the defenders, killing them all. Fyre, we defenders posess the power of the plains! There was only fifteen defenders total there, not incluing me! Now there is no one left, except me....

It sounds like my situation. The Darok hordes that you saw were after my friend, KzKrynns, blood. They believed it would give immortality. He was slain and my village was destroyed. Now I seek to go after the hordes, in the name of venegance.

You go alone?!

So far, yes.

I will not allow it! A VizJeri must live, so that the Garuda may arrive!


Do you not know the prophecy? When the greatest evil comes to the land, the mighty Garuda, a warrior part Phoenix and part Durahan will rise from the hearts of the people, to defend the land against the great evil. Then-

Yes I, know the prophecy.

Apparently you do not, for there is more. For the Garuda to awaken, there will be a VizJeri warrior who will awaken the Mighty Garuda. He will appear in the form of a traveller seeking venegance, alone.

What?! That cannot

It must be.


Do not worry, great one. I will accompany you on your quest!

Erm....not to be cruel, but what can a single Pixie do? You say they were easily slaughtered by the Daroks.....

You want to see, eh? You must wait until the time is right.

I see....Im sorry, but I dont need your help.

You dont have a choice. Im coming!

I decided to not argue with the creature, for I might get tired of defeating her. If I only knew what power lurked within her.....

*Sigh*....Fine. You may come. But....I wont have to raise or train you will I?

Why you...!!! Im no ordinary Pixie!! I am the great Janne!!

With those words, the ground exploded in front of me, and I was encircled by flames. So she wants to play rough, eh?, I tought. Very well then. I took a stone from my pouch and cried out loud, Haj-I Nju Klij! Instantly, as if in response to my words, rain fell from the sky. I looked at Janne, and grinned.

Im not all flames!

I didnt know how, but when she lifted her hand, a giant wind came, and sent me flying up against a tree, hard.

NOW do you see Im no ordinary monster?

Ugh....I....may need you after all.

Why thank you, Fyre. *As if you ever had a choice....*

I heard that!


Janne and I ran onwards, through the forest. It would be later, that we would discover new friends, old enemies, and old prophecies come to life, in our exciting journey to defeat the Daroks.

-- ElfinFyre (, July 10, 2000


Wonderful! Not too many people can write good fanfic in first person, but you seem to have the right talent for it! So, *the cat-beast bats it's eyelashes* When can we expect the rest of the story?

-- Justice (, July 10, 2000.

I was just posting these to see if anyone liked my writing. It seems that you and Torey do, and for me, that is enough. I will probably have the third chapter done in about 1 to three days, because I start summer school tomorrow- it will take up a lot of my time...but I'll work on it!

-- ElfinFyre (, July 10, 2000.

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