Anyone know some good buisness software? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

I was just put in charge of a fairly new buisnesses "paperwork", and there is simply too much to do without a good buisness program. Can anyone recommend some good, and fairly inexpensive buisness software. I need to keep track of inventory, and clients services, purchases, profiles, etc. I did a search and there is so many, I don't know where to start. I'm hoping maybe someone has some advice?

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000


If you are an accountant, Peach Tree is fairly inexpensive and contains all the relevant modules. Otherwise, go with QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro. If you can balance your checkbook, you can run a business with QuickBooks.

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000

I also use Quickbooks, and I'm an accounting idiot. Seriously, I barely passed the course in college.

The only hard part is getting everythig set up, and then only because there's just a whole bunch of information to wade through.

Quickbooks even has a trial version to download. I *think* their website is or maybe

-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000

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