Epson PhotoPC 3000Z compared with Olympus 3030 or Casio QV3000ex : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm planning to purchase a 3.3 digital camera asap, and have narrowed it down to the Epson 3000z, Olympus 3030 and the Casio QV3000ex. I like the longer video clip specs on the Olympus (300 secs), but am also wondering if the Epson can take longer than 25 secs if you have a larger memory card.

Any ideas, opinions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


-- Doug Marconnet (, July 07, 2000


If you're interested primarily in the video recording feature, you may want to check into the Oly a bit more closely. I seem to recall seeing that some(maybe all?) the Oly models only allow digital zooming in the video mode. I'm not sure how big a difference that makes as the video mode is usually a small subset(320x240 or 160x120) of the overall resolution so there is quite a bit of room for digital zooming.

I have a Toshiba PDR-M70 which allows for optical zoom even in the movie mode, but like I said, I'm not sure it makes a whole lot of difference.

Good Luck.

-- Gerald M. Payne (, July 08, 2000.

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